An Uncertain Future

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Dante held onto my phone as I buried my face into his shoulder trying to stifle my sobs. As I was crying, I heard Harley sob "what do I do now mom? What do I do now?"

"You don't have to do anything now sweetie. We can figure it all out later. All I need you to do is decide where you want to live and then grieve. Char and I will take care of the rest, okay sweetie?" we heard mom say. Holding out my hand for the phone, Dante handed it to me and taking a deep breath I said "yeah, like mom said we'll take care of everything okay. I promise, everything will be fine just come home soon sweetie."

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll live with you guys" I heard him sob before mom took the phone back and said "the doctor says we should be able to come home tomorrow morning. He's being released tonight but we'll stay in the hotel for one more night and then get on the earliest flight in the morning. Can you make sure to do what I asked before we come home?"

"Yeah mom, we'll take care of it today. I'll even go grocery shopping and get some of his favorite comfort foods and things" then looking at Dante, I added "and we'll set up the other room for him." Nodding, Dante said loud enough for mom to hear "we'll take care of everything."

"Alright, thank you both. We'll see you tomorrow. I love you both. Yes that includes you too Dante and give Annabelle a kiss for me and tell her mommy loves her too" mom said before hanging up. Locking my phone, Dante placed it on the dresser and had a weird look on his face making me chuckle before I asked "what's wrong?"

"It's just different having people outside my family who care about me. I'm just not used to it, I guess" he said hugging me tighter. Smiling, I said "get used to it darling because we aren't going anywhere. Though, we will have to give Har some time before he fully comes back to us."

"Yeah, I could tell he wasn't himself. I'd be at the house waiting for him tomorrow but I don't want to over load him with too many people" he said looking down at his lap.

"You may be right. I'll call you when he's safely at home but for today lets just worry about our list of things to do. We should probably start with gathering some of his things from his room" I said wrapping my arms around his torso again.

"Actually, we should probably start with breakfast and seeing if either Grace or mom can watch Annabelle while we take care of our list" he chuckled wrapping his arms around me as well.

"Yeah, we should probably do that first" I chuckled before saying "thanks for holding me last night. I don't know how I would've gotten through the night without you."

"You're welcome love. Now let's go get stuff done, okay" he chuckled back.

After we went down for breakfast, we filled in Grace and Katherine before asking if one of them could watch Belle while we ran some errands for my mom. They both said they'd stay and keep her company while Dante and I went to take care of the errands before we headed upstairs to get ready for the day. Heading back downstairs, I heard talking in the kitchen and headed in there to find Dante and Grace talking. Looking over at me, they paused their conversation and asked "is there anything Annabelle won't eat?"

"Nope. Her favorite food is mac n cheese though and if you want to give her soda make sure its a clear or light colored liquid since mom doesn't give her dark colored ones so she may not drink it" I answered with a shrug getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"You ready for this?" Dante asked moving to stand in front of me.

"Not really but do we have a choice" I said as my voice broke.

"No, but remember we're doing it for the boy we both love" Dante said honestly pulling me into a hug before he added "and if you tell him that, I will deny it" making me laugh. Kissing the side of my head, he said "come on sweetie, let's get this over with."

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