Her regrets

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Witch Regret doesn't have any regrets in her lifetime but she does have one regret through.

It was not telling the crew about her daughter Yui who must be so confused and dazzed when she finds out.  She knew she had to tell them some time but she couldnt because how would she be able to explain..she wasnt sure herself.

But she kept Yui to herself, hoping that no one was suspicous enough which work out in her favor until she realized after her death that it wasn't the best solution that she came up with. Now everyone was confused, shock, and hurt that she didnt tell them about this.

They could have been a whole happy family if only Witch told Yui to them. Not the way after witch's death and not this way ethier. Witch felt her eyes closed with frustation and despair.

Her daughter didn't deserve any of this, didnt need her mother dying on her in order to protect her other family. Witch never felt so ashamed in her life..she didnt think on her actions and it cost her life and made everyone a wreck.

She open her eyes to see tears that were dripping down her face and she touched them silently. She knew death was to come to her and the others but her death affected everyone more than it did with Homura's mentor, a former shining stars like herself.

Damn. Witch Regret wasn't perfect and does have regrets very much like humans.

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