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So here is the update... I don't know u will like this chapter or no bcz I am writing it 2nd time.. First one got deleted don't know how

Silent readers do vote..

I didn't rechecked it so pardon my mistakes


After 2days,

Vansh and Riddhima again went to check up bcz Vansh was having some breathing problem....

Dr said them that it's not so serious... It's the effect of the therapy only.. He prescribed some medicine for Vansh and told him to have this medicines on time...

Vansh and Riddhima were coming from Dr's cabin when a guy came towards them and hugged Riddhima... Riddhima also hugged him back... Vansh was greeting his teeth...

Vansh looked towards Riddhima

V: Jaan who is he?

R: Vansh actually I forgot to tell you about him... He is Jack ,my friend

Jack forwarded his hand towards Vansh but Vansh ignored him

R(whispering): Vansh what is this

V(loudly): I am not interested to introduce with anyone

J(smiles): It's okay Riddhu darling... I can understand his situation... After so many therapy he is not feeling good... It's okay

R(smiles): Thanks for understanding Jack.. You both talk I am coming.. Actually I forgot to ask dr about Vansh's food

J: yaa sure

Then Riddhima went towards dr's cabin and Vansh and Jack were standing outside

Vansh looked at Jack dangerously

V(VR tone) : so Mr. Jack I am warning you to stay away from my wife... I know your intentions but it will be your life's worst decision if u try to go ahead with your plan... I will make your life hell

J(smirk): Oh really... What u think Mr. Vansh that u can do whatever you want... So for your kind information Mr. Vansh that she will be mine soon

Vansh held his collar

V: youuuuuu

Vansh was about to punch him but he held Vansh's hand

J: Hello Mr plz save some energy bcz now u r so weak... And Don't u know that u will die soon... So after your demise I will approach her... And it will be your best decision if u leave her now.. Bcz think about her also... She is a young girl,she should live her life happily and here what she doing? She is doing your everything ...

Only love isn't enough for her.. She needs some pleasure also which I will give her.. Soon she will be in my traps...

Just look at your self.. You look like a 50 years old man and Riddhima looks like your daughter... Don't you feel ashamed

Don't you think that after your demise she also needs someone to be with her... And I want to stay with her, besides her and inside her (lustfully)

V(angrily): youuu

Vansh punched him hard

At the same time Riddhima came there and she was shocked to see that Vansh is punching Jack

Riddhima went there and somehow stopped Vansh

R(shouting): Vansh what are u doing... Why r u hitting him

V: bcz he deserves it

J: Riddhu darling I don't know why he started hitting me

R: I am so sorry Jack

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