Chapter 3

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Carina rose to her feet to greet the blonde that was standing in front of her; finding it difficult to look away. 

"H-Hello..." she stammered out.

Every thought that was once in Carina's brain seemed to vanish as she struggled to think of the next thing to say. All Carina could do was stand there and stare at Maya awkwardly, with her mouth slightly agape while she tried her hardest to regain the ability to form structured sentences.

" you have a name? ...or are you just gonna remain anonymous?" Maya said with a tilted head and raised eyebrow. Carina quickly extended her hand so that it was directly in front of Maya.

"Yes sorry, it's Carina DeLuca...but shouldn't you have learned the name of the person you're giving a tour to beforehand?" she said as she felt herself slowly regaining her confidence.

A visible look of confusion was displayed on Maya's face. She was struggling to read the situation and couldn't tell if Carina's remark was intended to be a playful joke or if it was a serious question.

Maya looked at the outstretched hand and let her eyes wonder from the fingertips, all the way back up to Carina's face before they landed on the girl's cheeky smile. Maya took Carina's hand and slowly shook it.

"I was going to but I didn't want you to think I actually cared about this so...ya know." Maya retorted sarcastically, hoping Carina was joking before and that she didn't just insult a complete stranger for no reason.

Carina couldn't help but laugh at the response and Maya felt her tensed shoulder's relax; thankful she read the situation correctly. 

The two girls stood there smiling at each other and it was in this moment that they both allowed themselves to scan their eyes over the other's features to gain a better understanding of the person they'd both be spending their first period with.

Maya noticed Carina's tanned, olive skin as well as her tall, well-built figure. Maya saw how the girl's brown eyes turned into a rich honey colour when exposed to the light and how there was so much life behind them. She also admired the brown flowing locks which framed the girl's face so perfectly.

Carina noticed Maya's fair skin as well as her short stature. Carina saw the intensity of Maya's golden hair and baby blue eyes and smiled at how it reminded her of the Italian sun and ocean.  She had never been so entranced by someone before.

After a minute or so, Maya acknowledged the fact that they were both still holding hands and harshly pulled hers away. Carina flinched at Maya's reaction but assumed that she had most likely overstepped a boundary. 

She just met the blonde after all and she still wasn't sure if the Americans took to affectionate gestures the same way the Italians did, so Maya's reaction was warranted.

"We should probably start with the tour or else we might not finish before next period begins." Maya said as she found enough strength in her body to force herself to turn away from the brunette and walk out of reception.

Carina quickly picked up her school bag and hurried after the shorter girl, who seemed to be walking at an ungodly speed for someone who had significantly shorter legs in comparison to her own.

When Carina finally caught up and took her place at Maya's side they stopped. "Okay so this is where you'll have your English lit. classes with Mrs Bailey." Maya said as she gestured vaguely towards the room that faced them. "She's pretty strict but given your predicament I feel like she'll ease up on you."

Carina knew Maya was referring to her accent and the fact that English wasn't her first language, unlike the rest of the students, but she couldn't pass up on an opportunity to mess with the blonde. 

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