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Flashback - November 2016

"This material will be on the next quiz, so please study it," Yoongi calls out in an authoritative voice as his last class of the day comes to an end. "I mean it when I say this will be a difficult quiz and I expect each of you to excel."

A grumble of annoyance resonates through his students but he ignores it; he's learned that if he's too easy on his students, they begin to take advantage of him and his kindness, so he is more strict on his students this year, much to their disapproval. Many people who took his class last year told many others how laidback Yoongi was in his teaching position, so many took his class to get an easy passing grade.

But this year, Yoongi has really decided to step it up to help his students. This is only his second year of teaching at the university and he doesn't want to ruin everything he has worked his entire life for. He is only 23 but already has secured a job as a professor at one of the most prestigious colleges in South Korea. He's worked hard to get to where he is, and he is determined to help his students achieve their dreams just as he has achieved his.

After the students leave, Yoongi stands and grabs his keys and briefcase, knowing that he should get extra rest tonight since tomorrow will be an all-nighter with all of the quizzes he will have to grade.

As he begins to walk towards the door, however, a woman comes into view and blocks the doorway.

"Yes?" Yoongi asks, realizing that the girl is one of his students from one of his morning classes.

"Mr. Min, I'm in serious trouble," she pouts while twisting a strand of her hair around her finger. "We have that quiz tomorrow and I'm struggling terribly with understanding the material. Could you spare a few moments to go over it with me, please?"

Yoongi sighs in exasperation. This girl never pays attention in class; she is always flirting with the men and sending the women rude stares and immature eye rolls. If he didn't know any better, he would think she is a high school student with her attitude.

"Nari, you've been given just as much opportunity to ask questions during class as any of my other students. You just always choose to indulge in your high school motives of flirting and bullying," Yoongi says in a deep voice. "I'm sure you can find a tutor. I have done my job and I have done it well; it is not my problem that you can't pay attention when I am teaching."

"Oh, Mr. Min," Nari coos, stepping further into Yoongi's classroom. "I'm sure we can work something out. Right?"

She lets her bag fall to the floor as she walks up to Yoongi in confident strides, biting her lip as her hand lands on Yoongi's chest.

Immediately, Yoongi backs up and holds his hands up, one of which is gripping his briefcase tightly. "I need you to leave, Nari. This is highly inappropriate and I really expect you to act better than this. You have such a bright future ahead of you that you're throwing away because of this behavior. Just study like everyone else and you'll do fine. Okay? You don't need to do these things to succeed."

Nari scowls at Yoongi and takes a step back.

"You'll regret this, Min Yoongi," Nari says, hands shaking in anger and tears in her eyes. "Just wait."

Nari turns around and picks up her bag before stomping out of Yoongi's classroom.

Yoongi scratches the back of his head and sighs. He knows he must've struck a chord with her to talk about her personal life, but he feels compelled to help her because he is supposed to be a mentor to her.

After making his way home, Yoongi eats a quick dinner of leftover soup and then immediately goes to sleep, hoping that Nari took his words to heart and that she will really begin to focus on her future instead of indulging in that inappropriate behavior.


The next morning, Yoongi wakes in a relatively good mood, well-rested and ready for his students to take this quiz that he has prepared.

His phone rings, and he answers it immediately seeing the number of the dean's office.

"This is Min Yoongi," he says.

"Mr. Min, I'd suggest you come to my office as soon as possible," the dean says in a serious tone.

"Sure, sir. But I have a quiz to give today and I'll need to-"

The dean cuts him off. "I'll send someone in to oversee it. This is more important."

"Uh, yes sir," Yoongi says, heart pounding in his chest at the seriousness of the dean's tone.

He quickly showers and puts on his usual outfit of slacks, dress shirt and tie and quickly drives to the college, biting his lip in anxiety at what this meeting could possibly be about.

After knocking on the dean's door, he's called in and his eyebrows furrow in confusion as he sees Nari seated in front of the dean's desk and the dean himself seated in his own chair.

"Sit," the dean instructs and Yoongi clears his throat and sits down next to Nari, glancing over at her for a moment to see her crying.

"Care to explain what this is, Mr. Min?" the dean asks, sliding over a piece of paper.

Yoongi picks it up and his eyes widen, the paper falling out of his hands and fluttering back onto the desk.

His jaw drops and he turns to look at Nari, who is staring down at her hands with tears falling down her cheeks.

"What...? How...?" He asks, dumbfounded.

"Mr. Min," the dean snaps and Yoongi tears his gaze away from the girl. "Explain that picture. Why is one of your students sleeping in your bed with you?"

Yoongi's eyes trail back down to the photo.

It's a photo of his bedroom, and Yoongi can see himself in his usual bedtime attire of his boxers laying in his bed sleeping. But to Yoongi's horror, there is a second person in the bed cuddled up next to him, seemingly sleeping soundly on his chest.

It's hard to tell because of the quality of the picture, but the person in his bed is definitely Nari. The thing that is baffling Yoongi is that he's never had Nari anywhere near his apartment, much less in his bed.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Nari wails. "Remember how I usually record myself sleeping because I sleep walk? Well, I accidentally sent some of the footage of us sleeping to the dean's email instead of my request for a schedule change."

"I- NO!" Yoongi yells, standing up in a fit of rage. "You're lying! What did you do? Sneak into my apartment while I was asleep?!"

"Min Yoongi," the dean says, standing up as well. "From this day forward, you no longer work for this university. I will also be informing other universities of your discretions; you will hereby be blacklisted from being a teacher. You will never teach again. How dare you take advantage of your role as a teacher to seduce a student?"

"He didn't seduce me! He loves me!" Nari exclaims through her tears. "I'm so sorry! I never meant for this to happen."

Yoongi glares at Nari in a mixture of rage and disbelief.

Through the tears, just for a moment as the dean walks away from them to open the door and dismiss them, Nari smirks at Yoongi.

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