Baby Girl Part 4-My Car/What's Wrong With You

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(In The Morning Bahja Woke Up Watching Tv Then Look Outside And Realize Someone Stole Her Car)

Bahja:-Turn To Outside-Son of a bitch!,Someone stole my damn car!,Son of a bitch. Momma!-Run To Get The Phone

(Bahja On Her Phone Texting  Zonnique/ BigDaddyBahja=Bee And Starlight <3=Zonnique)

BigDaddyBahja:Zonnique. Hi, baby.

Baby, don't be mad at me.

It ain't my fault. I love you.

Starlight <3:I'm listening.

BigDaddyBahja:Some Crackhead stole your car

Starlight <3:The what? Bahja

BigDaddyBahja:You hear?

Starlight <3:I hear

BigDaddyBahja:You got that tracking thing on?

Starlight <3:Yea

BigDaddyBahja:Cool. We'll find it in 30 minutes

Call the po-po's and tell them.

Starlight:I ain't doing that


Starlight<3:I know who stole my car

BigDaddyBahja:Who? Tell me and I'll go get it back for you.

Starlight<3:I stole my car, Bahja!

(Bahja Was Mad So She Got Out Of Bed And Took A Shower,Brush Her Teeth & Put On A Fresh Pair Of Boxer After That She Got Dress In Her Blue Polo Shirt,Black Polo Shorts,Her Long White Nike Socks And Her Lengend Blue 7's On And Took Her Bike While Riding Down To Zonnique)

Some Lil Boy Name King:Bahja, where you rolling?

Bahja:Y'all watch my bike, homies

King:All right, cuz. *Rode Off*

(Bahja Waked Up To Zonnique Door & Bang On It Mad As Hell)

Bahja:Open the door, Zonnique!

Zonnique:Go away!

Bahja:Listen Im Sorry I Cheated On You But Im Just A Man Baby & U Know I Love U ! What about me? Why are you mad?

Zonnique:When will you grow up? Bahja

Bahja:What? I am grown!

Zonnique:No, for real, Bahja

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