part 1.

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Jamie (jack's mum)
Olivia (Liv)
Sam (Liv's brother)
Nick & Sarah (Liv & Sam's parents)
*more cast later in book*

Jack: I'm in bed, listening to my clock tick. tomorrow is my first day at my new school. gosh I'm nervous, year 9..
apparently year nines only worry about drugs and sex. Ew. I have no friends, what if I get bullied.
Nah I'm fit. fit as I'll ever be.

*Jack falls asleep*

Six in the morning.

*jack's alarm beeps

Jack: Fudge I'm late, oh sh- I need to get ready, year 9?!

*Jack gets ready

Bye mum !!
Jamie: Jack where's my hug?

*door slams

ugh teenagers.

Jack: Dineen high here I am.

*crowd murmers

Jack: gosh no.
I'm here. in class. standing in front of over 20 people. Calm down jack...

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