Part 79

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The ceremony was over and Cabir and Navya were announced as husband and wife. A photoshoot with family and of the newly married couple was followed by all of them back in the cottage. Certain other rituals were carried out which were minimal as the actual rituals were to take place the next day in Malhotra Mansion. 

Next morning, 9 a.m. everyone was off for Bombay.


"Welcome home Navya" said Nyonika passing the thali back to Nandini as she put the kalash infront of Navya who entered the house doing whatever she was instructed to do.

"Nandini,you have the keys for the cupboard right? Go bring the gifts for Navya" said Nyonika as Nandini nodded and went to the room .

"Guys, I will just come back" said Manik as he followed Nandini leaving behind a chuckling mob.

Nandini opened the cupboard and searched for the jewellery boxes removing the pile of clothes. As she saw a glimpse, of the blue boxes, she sighed and took all of them out, too many to carry with two hands but she managed and kept them on the bed first and then closed the cupboard keeping the keys back safely.

She picked up the boxes and departed from the room . Just as she was about to exit the corridor, Manik suddenly appeared infront of her from nowhere making her gasp as all the boxes fell down her hands right on the floor. While Manik stood afraid, Nandini glared at him with her hands on her waist.

"What is wrong with you?" exclaimed Nandini as she bended to gather them up and check if the jewellery was all fine. Manik did the same helping her as he passed the last box to her with an apologetic face.

"Its alright" said Nandini, not able to be annoyed anymore "But now that you have done this , you gotta help me" 

"Obviously, that was what I was here for" said Manik forwarding his hand sto carry a few of them.

"Oh not with this, I will take them. You go to our room, open the locker and bringthe gifts that we have brought for Navya and Cabir" said Nandini .

"Okay, I will go but you can give me some of these . Are you sure you will be able to climb down the stairs?" asked Manik unsure as the boxes went straight up in a line preventing Nandini from seeing anything ahead of her.

"Manik, I will . Go now and come soon" said Nandini as she moved forward towards the living area.

"Nandini wait stop" said Manik as he marched further and took a few boxes from her hands. Nandini sighed but nevertheless smiled at her cutest husband as he followed her down the stairs. They kept the boxes on the table ahead of Nyonika as Manik then went up to do what Nandini had asked him to while Nandini was stopped down by some of the ladies .


After they were done with the gift ceremony, Navya was taken up by Nandini for rest.

"This is your room from now Navya" said Nandini showing her the new room

"But why has the room shifted from up to down?" asked Navya taking off her jewellery

" Because the room upstairs was not too big for both of you" said Nandini as that really was the reason. The closet of the room was designed for Cabir and so it had space for clothes of a single person and so, Nyonika decided to get them shifted down.

"Oh" exclaimed Navya pausing for a while as she continued " Or is it because no one wanted us to enjoy the garden view from upstairs?" said Navya leaving Nandini shocked and astounded

"What?" questioned Nandini

"Oh I was just kidding Nandini " said Navya smiling at her for a second, and then went in the washroom while Nandini came up to her room .

After some time, Manik entered the room to see Nandini sitting by the window staring at the stars in the sky. Taking off his blazer and rolling up his sleeves, he approached her and sat right infront. Sensing his presence, she opened her eyes to look at him.

"Hii" said Manik gracefully .

"Hello" replied Nandini sitting making space for Manik .

"Didn't you promise me to not get affected Nandini?" asked Manik seeing through her. He knew why she was off.

"I did Manik and I am not affected, look at me, am I sad?" said Nandini hugging him keeping her head on his chest as he sighed and hugged her back .

"You are not happy either" said Manik

"Right now, at this moment, I am." said Nandini tightening the hug as Manik smiled .

"Do you want me to talk to Navya?" asked Manik as he did not want her to hurt Nandini with her words

"No Manik, please" said Nandini coming out of the hug as Manik muttered an okay looking at her getting hyper.

"I mean, no there is no need. She will be fine. Its just this wedding has tired her and so she is behaving like that" said Nandini getting up and putting Manik's blazer in the hanger and back in the cupboard

"I hope so, but for now I want my Nandini to behave as Nandini please?" said Manik pulling her into a hug again as she nodded and smiled in content.

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