My Truth Their Lies

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As we grow our mind and hearts are filled with hopes and dreams for the future.  For some reason that I don't understand a child under five can somehow see their future.  It's a gift that vanishiess while there too young to remember what they knew.

What if a child's is force to grow up to young that this gift does vanish but instead develops into something that some what unexplainable.

The year was 1966 when a young couple decided take some time off.  They headed to a cabin in Michigan. The couple had a three year old daughter whom also was on the road trip.  The couple were middle class family.  They also attended church. 

They were a happy family with no problems and no enemies.  They thought they're daughter right from wrong.  But one thing they forgot to tell her was that evil is out there and is not the devil you need to fear. While you're on earth, alive fear humans.  Explain that not everyone is real or ture to the heart. Some are just down right evil and screwed up.

As they road down the highway the husband spotted something further up the road.

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