B o w l i n g

181 7 0

I don't proof read these so be aware of spelling errors^^
"Uh- hello!"
"My names Mark or Ranboo  either one is fine."
"How old are you?" Tommy asked
"GOD D*MMIT"tommy screamed
I could tell he was the youngest by that reaction.
I get a text from my mom that I need to be home soon for dinner.
"I have to go, but uh can I get one of your phone numbers?"
"Sure!" Tubbo said happily
After we exchanged numbers I was on my way home.
When I got home home I got a greeting from my mom immediately when I opened the door
"Did you do your homework?" My mom asked
"No I'll start now."
"Okay just do it quick dinner will be ready soon."
{time skip cause I don't wanna write homework}
I got a text from Tubbo that they were meeting up at the parking lot of apparently my school at 3:30 I told him I'll be there and he added me to the group chat.
I got out of bed and dressed up in jeans and a color block hoodie along with a chain I brushed my hair and let it do whatever it's heart desired.
I went through the normal day of school the worst part was ELA cause we had book clubs and I had to use my communication skills which a lack.

I grab my skateboard from outside and head to where they were in the parking lot. Surprisingly they were pretty close and I was greeted by a "hey Ranboo!"
Which I responded with "oh hey Tubbo!" And I walked over, now I everyone was sitting when I first met them and I was too but something I noticed was that I'm the tallest and I'm not lying I'm at least 3 inches taller than techno
"We're going bowling!" Tubbo said
"Alright, are we going to get fries?" Tommy asked
"Yeah sure, I don't see why not." Wilbur said
And there we were cramped up in a van on our way to bowl.
Once we got there I immediately tied to how behind techno but be casual about it, but of course I was way to tall and it looked like when you try to hide behind a tree, obvious but luckily I think techno realized.
"Ranboo you good?" Techno asked
"Yup- why wouldn't I be :)."
"Guys look!" There's slushies :0" Tubbo said
Word count: 404 (gogy u there🤨)
Sorry for the short chapters and wait for the next chapter, kinda forgot about this I also took 3 days which is sad that it took so long :]

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