Chapter 1

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                      Molten Freddys POV:

The building is falling apart. I can't see anything. I can't find the others.. where are my friends..?

I hear coughing, I quickly make my way to the noise "Jen!!" I yell "Where's the others?!" I ask

"Lupin and Lefty got out but I'm not sure where the others are-" she starts coughing again

"The flames and smoke are much we need to get you out." I guide her out and we end up outside, I look around

"Where's Pandora?" I ask them "She's still inside.." Lefty says "What the fuck do you mean she's still inside?!"

Third person POV:

Molten goes back inside and moves stuff out of his way, unable to find her "Pandora!!" He yells, no response. He continues to look and throw stuff around, still not being able to find her. He doesn't stop either. He keeps searching.

Lefty's POV:

"He's taking a long time." Lupin says "I'm going back in." I make my way back to the entrance

"Lefty be careful. The building is falling apart and-" "it's on fire I know. I'll be careful" I run back inside and look around

"AYO MOLTEN!!" I yell out, trying to find him "We need to go the fire department is coming!!" I yell again, wondering why I'm not getting a response. I look around and then I see him

"Dude why aren't you answering me?! We need to go!!" I yell at him and he turns around, I could've sworn my jaw dropped to the ground in that moment. "Molten.." I walk over

"You see her.. don't you.." "I do. Come on bring her we need to get out before the fire department comes" I say and he nods

We walk outside and the others run up to us "Oh my god." Jen looks at Pandora and covers her mouth, Lupin just stands there, shocked

"... Will she be repaired..?" Molten asks Jen "... Molten I-" Jen pauses "I'll try my best but.. she's an older model. I'm not too sure-" Jen tries to explain, Molten sighs

"Please try. She's the only friend I have left from where I originally came from." Moment looks at Jen and Jen nods "I'll try."

7 months later

"STOP ARGUING!!!" Jen yells and I immediately wake up "Molten, I understand you want your best friend back but.. you need to let her go-" "Oh yeah let her go like she's nothing. AFTER I LOST BON BON SHE WAS ALL I HAD LEFT FROM THAT PIZZERIA I ORIGINALLY CAME FROM!!" He snaps at Jenny but an unknown animatronic stands in front of her, protecting her

"If you're going to act like this then go take a breather. YOU NEED IT." They growl at Molten, he glares at her. She stand her ground "You think you're so tough and mighty, puppy. Trust me, you're NOTHING." He goes back to the vent and disappears, The animatronic sighs and sit down on the ground "Are you alright?" Lupin asks her

"Yeah. Just exhausted." She sighs again, Lupin looks at Jenny and then back at her "You'll start work tomorrow." Lupin says and She nods, Jenny jumps up "OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT KLYE!!" She runs out the restaurant and Lupin Chuckles

"Alrighty then." Lupin looks back at the animatronic "Alright rest up Popstar we have a long day tomorrow" she pats her shoulder and walks away

"I didn't even get to see where I was working at." The animatronic says and she stands up, dusting off her legs. I step off my stage and walk over.

Rockstar Pandoras POV:

I hear footsteps, not human ones. I quickly turn to the noise and I look to see it was the animatronic Jenny showed me earlier, Lefty. Geez all these animatronics are tall, and Lefty was.. kinda scary. As they walked over.. it looked like you could see demon horns sticking out of their head.

I don't know what Jenny was talking about when she said they were a nice and caring animatronic.. they look like a troublemaker. I see them as the type of person to pour a tub of water on someone that's sleeping. I shiver at the thoughts and I slightly back up. They stop. I feel like they know what I'm thinking.

"... Are you okay? You seem kinda.. twitchy." They ask and I shake my head. Obviously shivering and shaking. damn it looks like this animatronic could get away with murder with that eyeliner. "Right.. Anyways I see everyone just left after that whole.. 'argument'.. if that's what you want to call it. But anywho, I'm Lefty." They hold out their hand "I know." I say, they deadpan

"Okay, since you wanna have an attitude.." he slightly moves and I almost lose my shit. "Hun relax, what's your problem." They cross their arms and I tap my fingers

"Uhh... Um..." I look in the other direction and they raise a brow "You're kinda.. scary." I say flat out like it is and Lefty rolls her eyes "... It's the eyeliner and makeup isn't it." They ask, kinda disappointed

"What? No no no! It looks great! It's just... height difference. It's kinda scary... I tried not showing it with the other guy but I just realized how short I am compared to.. literally everyone else." I explain and they understand

"Hey I get you! Everyone is tall. At least I'm taller than Rockstar Chica. But other than that I'm short. But hey. Now I'm taller than Chica and you!" They tease

"You.." "I did just say that yes." They nod

"Anyways.. what is your name? I mean you don't have to tell me since you're too scared, I could easily learn it from Jen." They say and I roll my eyes

"Pandora," I say. Their optics widen and their jaw drops

"You're Joking right?" Lefty asks

"Uh... No, that's my name." I say, kinda confused

"Oh. my.'re Scrap Pandoras replacement??Now i know why Molten was pissed off!! of course!!" They say and I just listen, obviously getting what they're saying... sort of.

"So why is he all pissed about that again?" I ask Lefty and they turn back to me

"You have no idea what happened.. do you?" Lefty asks and I shake my head and Lefty sighs
"Sit down.. its going to be a long and.. sad story."

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