What would happen if instead of Goldie staying at Freddy's pizzeria foxy actually succeeded at throwing him out? Well in this au foxy throws him outside and with no where to go he starts walking around (not in public eye but at night the rest of the...
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Foxy: whut in da world did yow do? Freddy:foxy why are yowu talkwin like that why am I? This is embarrwassing
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Ft.Freddy: hello little ones He says sarcastically Goldie:wait so I'm the oldest now? Circus baby:wait why is Goldie shining too?
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Goldie:is something wrong? Bollora picks the little magical kitty bean up Bollora:Funtime freddy I love it Ft.freddy adorable He says as he holds foxy and freddy in his hands Me:oh no well guess what the toys have arrived Goldie:oh no is toy freddy still scared of me? Me:maybe I don't know I'm just the creator Ft.foxy:yeah your writing this right now endless you have no idea where this is going then- Me:let me stop you there 1. No breaking the forth wall and 2. Yes I am just writing this as I go no plan just write Ft.foxy: but- Me:nope Ft.foxy: then stop writing it and I'll shut up Red jelly turns around and gives a death stare while smiling Me:shhhh Lolibit: I like this girl!