💥- 011 Alexithymia

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AHOY, hagerezzz

How are you? Enjoying the sea breeze? It's nice to look at the stars and hear the song of the sea, isn't it? Just be careful not to catch a cold.  cold, okay? Well, Captain Kim sent me here to give you the cape he so lovingly made just for you! He tried to leave it the way you asked. The process was quick. I hope you enjoy! 

And oh! Don't forget to leave your star to help guide the Black Mamba through this turbulent night. 

Creation time: 1h40min

Creation time: 1h40min

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Captain Kim: 

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Captain Kim: 

Don't forget to pay, sailor! Make sure you get your part of the map (cover) by going to my office (DM). 

©Torizss, 2022

Mamba Negra 🏴‍☠️ | GRAPHIC SHOPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora