I'm Very Sure of It

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Weekend arrives...

Ayane texted both of us her address. God why am I so nervous... We're just doing a project together as friends and nothing more. Here goes nothing I guess. Suprisingly, it didn't take me long to arrive at her house. I'm pretty sure Sakuta hasn't arrived yet.. should I wait for him? I can't go inside alone! 

Suddenly, the front door opens

Ayane: Nick-kun you're here! Come on inside!

Nick: O-Oh okay...

God Sakuta where are you...

Not long after that, I got a message from Sakuta

'Sakuta: Yo Nick! Sorry can't come today hehe terrible stomach pain.. Just send me on what I'm supposed to do and I'll give it to u guys tmrw'

I don't know if this is intentional or what but I swear I'll punch him so hard until he'll get a guaranteed stomach pain

Ayane: Hm? Did Sakuta-kun messaged you?

Nick: Yeah he said he's not coming.. he told me to send the work he's supposed to do and he'll give it to us later

Ayane: Aw man, okay then!

Ayane: Let's get started shall we? I also fried some nuggets for us and some drinks too!

Nick: T-These are delicious!

Ayane: Aw thank you! Have as many as you'd like!

We started doing the project. To be honest, it's not as many as we think it'll be. Plus, Sakuta offered to do most of it. So that leave us with a lot of time to spare. We finished our part around noon.

Ayane: Hey wanna have lunch! I know a good pizza place nearby

Nick: Sure..

Ayane: Hmm.. you sound like you don't believe me

Nick: It's just that this pizza place I know has the best pizza in town

Ayane: Oh! Hehe wanna bet on it? If you think my place's delicious then you'd have to pay for lunch.. o-only if you want to!

Nick: Hm fine I'm up for it

At the pizza place...

I was pretty confident I was going to win but oh my the pizza's here is so tasty!! I might make this my spot now plus it's not so crowded. Guess this one's the underrated kind so not many people know about this place. I also think it just opened.

Ayane: Hehe knew you'd like it

Nick: Yup this is my place now.. you're not having any more?

Ayane: No no I don't want to be rude

Nick: Don't worry it's on me have as many as you'd like

Ayane: Aw it's okay oh by the way.. I have a kind of personal question to ask if I can?

Nick: Hit me

Ayane: Have you had any past relationships? It's alright if you don't want to answer that haha just a silly question

Nick: Well... I had past relationships but they all ended badly.. I'm mostly the problem to be honest. I ended up being depressed but thanks to my friends, I'm always trying to get better day by day and change to be a better man. I guess the only explanation to this is just that I haven't found the one for me.. 

Ayane: Oh that must've been hard to share.. I'm sorry I asked that question..

Nick: No it's alright.. it actually feels good to finally let it off my chest. You're the only one who knows about my real situation

Ayane: Oh I'm so glad it helped you! You don't mind about me knowing despite we only knew each other for only a few days? hehe

Nick: Yeah because you're... s-special..

Ayane: Aw well you're special to me too.. I'm very honored and remember if you need anything, feel free to ask me too! I remember a saying "When someone in need tries to push you away... you have to find the strength to hold on tighter"

Nick: Wait I've heard of that before.... HOLD ON YOU WATCH DAREDEVIL??!!

Ayane: Yes!! I love it!!

Oh my god she's like an angel sent from heaven

Nick: "I need to be the man this city needs"

Ayane: "I'm not seeking penance for what I've done, Father. I'm asking for forgiveness... For what I'm about to do."

Nick: God you're the best!

Ayane: Hearing how much you're into this show, I also decided to try it! Little did I know.. I'm also becoming a Daredevil geek hehe

After talking for what seems like an hour about the show, we got outside, bid farewell then went our own separate ways since my house and hers weren't that far from the pizza place. Now I'm very sure I've found the one. I'm very sure of it.

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