Carrying out the plan

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*Brent and Selena at disney, (btw they also met up a few times in between and are now officially dating)*
Brent: Wooo this is so fun! Thanks for taking me here, u wanna go to skyway next
Selena: That's my favourite ride hell yeah!
Brent: I know
Selena: how
Brent: I did my research
selena: aww
*meanwhile, Pierson is driving on a freeway to meet up with the lexis and twan at a starbucks they are currently near*
Pierson's pov: Well I guess we are carrying out the plan today, I hope this doesn't go south. I am so nervous. Wait, why is that black suv following me? The driver looks sus. Maybe i should turn~
*There is a loud bang and the black suv collides with Pierson's car, though Pierson was injured and her car was destroyed, the suv and it's driver managed to drive away*
*sirens ring and the emergency services arrive*
Paramedic 1 to paramedic 2: Okay we have an unconscious person, get her into the the gurney and drive to the nearest hospital, we must stop all severe bleeding so apply pressure.
*(paramedic 2 is a trainee)*
*They drive to the hospital while the people left on the scene describe what they saw to the police*
Brent (after Selena's favourite ride): *Beep* wait sorry i have a call i have to take apparently it's from the hospital
Selena: okay
Brent: Hello?
Person from hospital: Hi is this a friend of Pierson Wodzynski?
Brent: Yea...
Pfh: Your friend got into a car accident and we need any close people at the hospital asap
Brent: Okay I'll be on my way
pfh: Thank you bye
Brent: Bye
Brent: I am so sorry to cut our date short but one of my best friends got into a car accident and they need me at the hospital
Selena: No it's fine go
Brent: You can come too, she's actually a fan of yours, but you don't have to if you don't want to
Selena: If she'll be okay with it, sure I have nothing to do anyways
Brent: Thank you
Selena: Let's go
Selena's pov: I honestly don't mind because he's a great guy for putting his friend first
*They get to the hospital *
Brent (to receptionist): Hi I'm looking for Pierson Wodzynski
The receptionist: Are you Brent Rivera
Brent: Yes
The receptionist: Miss Wodzynski is in room 207 in the icu she has just come out from surgery an hour ago but you can go up to level 2 then turn left
Brent: Thank you
*Brent rushes up to the room and Selena follows*
Brent: *looks at Pierson in that way*  Is she okay doctor?
Doctor: She has just come out of surgery to remove debris stuck in her and she has hit her head pretty hard. There is a 90% chance that she will have amnesia and forget most things in her life
Brent: No, no, no,no
Doctor. She is also currently in a coma, she is stable for now though we can't be sure what will happen
Brent: Thank you doctor
Selena's pov: The way Brent looked at her, he's never looked at me like that~ I feel like this relationship probably won't work but I don't want to break up with him now while he's in such a panicked state.
*Lexi R arrives*
Lexi R: I just heard the news, how is she?
Brent: The doctor said that she may have forgotten everything and that she is currently unconscious
*Pierson wakes up but the group doesn't notice*
Brent: I really hope she's okay, I don't know what I'd do without her
Lexi R: So introduce me to Selena
Brent: oh yea umm Selena, this is my sister Lexi and Lexi this is Selena
Lexi R: Nice to meet you
Selena: You too
Pierson: W-what happened?
Brent: Pierson! Your awake, do you remember anything? are you okay
Pierson: Why am I here? All i remember is getting followed by a suspicious black car while I was driving to meet some people~
Lexi R: you were coming to meet me Lexi and Twan at starbucks, by the way they should be here soon
Pierson: Who are they?
Lexi R: They're your friends-
*Pierson faints*
Brent and Lexi R: Pierson!
Brent: We need a doctor or nurse in here quick my friend just fainted!
*Doctors and nurses rush in to the room to treat Pierson*
Nurse (to brent): Did she wake up? Did she remember anything?
Brent: Yeah she did and she didn't remember much but she did remember getting tailed by a black suv and driving
nurse: Okay thank you
*half and hour later*
Doctor: Okay so we don't think Miss Wodzynski has amnesia she just has a concussion which is normal when someone hits their head
Brent: So she's okay
Doctor: 87% yes
Brent. Thank goodness
Doctor: Okay I will leave now but if anything happens press that emergency button over there
Brent: okay thank you
Selena: Is it okay if I go now, you guys don't need me here
Brent: Yea sure, thank you for being here for me
Selena: Your welcome, Bye
Brent and Lexi R: Bye
*Lexi H, Twan and Ben all arrive*
Lexi H: Oh my gosh, is she okay?
Brent: She's stable for now but she is still unconscious
Twan: So the plan is off
Lexi R: Duh
Ben: *huggs lexi R* What exactly happened?
Brent: *explains everything*
Lexi H: Guys don't you think that that black suv is too suspicious, I mean it just drove away after hitting Pierson and Pierson said that they were following her...
All: you're right

Nobody's pov: Is Pierson okay? Who was the guy in the black suv and what are they planning🤔
Sorry for not posting as much but I am really busy but I will try my best

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