Walking In A...

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hi maya
long time no talk, haha

Hey Michelle, how have you been?

alright, I guess, u?

Really great actually!
Until last night.

that's what I wanted to talk to you about actually
so, you're with Carina now?

We're taking it slow, but yeah

so u never had feelings for me and I was always way out of my depths?

Michelle, it's not that simple

can u just tell me the truth plz

I never did have feelings for you, no. But I didn't always have feelings for Carina either, they developed and I'm assuming the same goes for her.

wow, u didn't have to put it so bluntly

You asked for the truth! I was just being honest, I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings

cut the crap maya, u don't care about me or my feelings

I do care about you, it's just hard trying to have a one-sided conversation. You won't even hear me out


Can we have a civil conversation, please?

read 16:44

"Ready to go bella?" Carina asked the blonde, walking around the corner wrapped up in a million different layers - Maya had booked for the pair to go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, their first official date you could say - "You good?" Carina further questioned, Maya just nodded but the brunette knew something was wrong. 

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you or am I just gonna get the silent treatment?" the brunette pushed, wanting to know what was wrong. "It's Mi- It's nothing, I'm fine," Maya blatantly lied. What Carina had noticed is every time the blonde looked at her phone, her face dropped. 

Playfully, Carina snatched the phone out of Maya's hand to see what was making her upset. "Carina, give it back," Maya asked, trying not to get angry - there was clearly too many emotions going on in her head. "Ugh, why is she so rude?!" the blonde questioned with a temper. She didn't like Michelle as it was, but she disliked her, even more, when she was upsetting Maya - especially considering it wasn't the first time. 

"Carina don't-"

"Don't what? Knock some sense into her? She can't just talk to you like that! La prossima volta che la vedrò la prenderò a schiaffi..." the brunette carried on ranting in her native tongue, stomping back and forth as she did so. 

At first, Maya was annoyed, but the longer she watched the more she calmed down. She liked the idea that someone cared so much about her they would trail off like this, it was somewhat endearing. 

After about a minute or two, the blonde dared to step towards Carina and place her hands on her shoulders to stop her pacing. "Aaaaaaand breathe," Maya said, causing Carina to chuckle slightly. "I just, don't like her that much," Carina replied. "Really? I never would've guessed," Maya replied sarcastically, earning a nudge on the shoulder. 

"Right M'lady, your carriage awaits," Maya changed the subject to get the girl out the door and to their destination for the evening. "Carriage?" Carina inquired. 

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