Everything Starts With Something

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Dark was the stuff. Perhaps darker still. Maybe it had the complexion of the dark Kohl stolen from under the eyes of an over excited maiden on a hitch with her first date. Naturally a first date is a big thing. It’s the first date after all. Literally only a handful few do remember about it in their later lives but everybody, whether a girl or a boy tries to be the perfect one on their first dates. Let’s not sway under the perplexed emotions of our first dates. Let’s just simply get back to the darker stuff.

Wait maybe it wasn’t as dark as the word ‘dark’ sounds. Had it been darker then how had it been possible for the human eyes to fathom it? Maybe it was just nothing. Maybe it was neither dark nor light. It wasn’t even something in between. It had been simply nothing.

It had simply been an absence. An absence of each and everything as we see and know it today. It had been the absence of light. It had been the absence of darkness. It had been the absence of love. It had been the absence of hate. It had been the absence of death. It had been the absence of LIFE.

There had been someone present after all. To categorize that somebody in question into a he or a she would be a mistake. Neither was he a HE nor was she a SHE and it would rather sound hilarious to mention that even it wasn’t the third gender into which he or she could have been classified into. It wasn’t even like the supernal being didn’t have anything to do. He or she did have work to do. Excuse my choice of mentioning the supernal being as a HE henceforth, for it may sound like a gender sensitive hot button but what more could you expect from a hot headed man. Men will be men after all. But to let you know, all sweet ladies out there, I do respect the feminine community.

Back to business, the supernal being did have work to do. All day long he sat in front of a large wheel like structure. There had been nothing similar to days or nights as such but you can say, the wheel he used, did resemble a giant modern day porter’s wheel. He took pinches of the blackness that surrounded him and spun them. The wheel went on whirling all the time. There had obviously not been an ounce of friction to come in between the giant wheel and its rotation. If you ask me exactly what was happening well to tell you the truth scientifically, the rotation of the wheel created centrifugal force which turned the dark matter, the supernal being used into shapes. Though it had not been known then, what the shape was but thanks to all the great scientists who make the life of students a living hell today, we now know the shape was a sphere. We can even calculate its curved surface area, its total surface area blah and blah.

After billions and billions of spheres had been formed. The supernal being got tired. He then picked up something that looked like a giant knife and started cutting each sphere into halves. It might not have taken the supernal being long to have the tiresome job completed for neither he was in need of energy nor did he get tired. The only thing which did come his way was humdrum.

After he finished cutting up everything, he had this really strange idea of filling up the hemispheres with something. As nothing had been available at hand he again collected the darkness around him. He twirled his magical fingers like the connoisseur he was and began stretching the matter. Tension in the matter gave rise to elasticity and repeated stretching and releasing gave birth to friction. From friction was born fire. He consolidated all this fire within the hemispheres lying in heaps all around him and sealed them meticulously. Perfection had been the single most resounding attribute of the nature of his work. Symmetric had been the second most characteristic property of his creations. With all the hotness inside, the spheres begun to burn.

He then drew abstract lines in proportion so that the burning spheres get sufficient individual surface area to cool down. By the time he finished sealing the last hemispheres he had again got bored of the process. He paused for some moments and looked back upon the previous spheres that now hung along the well carved ellipses and lines. Some of the spheres with time had even stopped burning. With all that hotness concealed inside and nothing to burn on the uppermost layers, a certain emptiness had been formed on the spheres. They looked bare.

The supernal being didn’t quite like the view of the emptiness. He started waving his hand. Air was produced from the organized to and fro movements of the dexterous hands. Layers of wind started settling down on top of the spheres. Some of the spheres had been big. Some of them had been small. Some of them continued to glow emanating something from within them. This was what our people later called as light. With all that light in the dark and the spheres twisting and turning in a synchronized manner offered a spectacle to die for. The supernal being gloated over his creation. He banged his chests in a boastful attitude.

Something in somewhere or other in the phantasmal view of his creation but, still was a miss. He was witless about the missing thing that could add glory to his fantastic brain child. In confusion of what more to add, he had begun scratching his head. Sometimes his wayward hands also went to other parts of his shiny torso. Scraps of dust came of his shin as he continued scratching himself in the confusion. By the time he realized how fickle he had become, a handful of glowing stuff had been separated from his body and had begun circling him. He collected all the glowing dust as delicately as possible. He then again pondered about what to do next. Finding no other way out he brought his palm full of his own glowing skin dust close to his mouth and gave a gentle blow.

The blow had been strong. The dust particles flew far and wide into his entire creation. The travelling glowing dust added sparkle to the already spell bounding creation in action. At last he was in peace, little did he know that the real tiredness would eventually develop after his accidental action of blowing the scrapped microscopic shreds of his torso.

He hadn’t the least idea still what was happening. The glowing dust that he had scrapped out from his own torso and blown here and there had travelled far and wide. Not so long ago, they began settling down on the hemispheres all around the space. Wherever the flames were still flaring, they glowed and glowed up to a point after which they cindered and became rocks and stones. Complex amalgamations were formed from the copulation of the fire and the skin dust of the supernal being. Minerals, molecules and atoms were formed. Wherever there had been no fire to cinder, the glowing dust particles started to flourish. They increased in volume. Soon the increasing volume resulted in budding and individual cells started propagating.

As the parent being had been far away and the cells needed to survive they started to move here and there and consumed whatever they found at hand. The nutrition made them further strong and capable. They increased in volume and function still more. Before long they became larger and larger and segregated into different categories. The new beings in question started consolidating their areas and protecting their own kind and LIFE as such was born.

The supernal being watched all of this and enjoyed. It had been really entertaining for him to watch all this magic happen right before his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he had created. It would not be wrong to mention the fact that he had been jealous of his own creation. It had been part talent and half the other credit had been accidental behind the beautiful rendezvous of this creation. His self-obsession with his own creation was however short lived. He didn’t have the least idea of what was about to happen. Beyond all this entertainment and enjoyment, he was short of predicting the incidents that were about to unfold. He didn’t know a time would come and he would become so frustrated with his creation that he would shut himself up in manmade stone buildings and silly clay figurines which in no way were even as close as resembling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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