Diverging Paths

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After my heart to heart with Ruby we head downstairs to eat. Upon walking down we're met with Yang and Weiss. From there we all enter a nice dinner before heading into the living. The next day we head back to the academy to speak with Leo.

Leo: "It's good to see you again. There seems to be more of you."

Qrow: "The more the merrier. So what's the situation with the council?"

Leo: "Why do you have your weapons?"

Qrow: "We're Huntsmen, why wouldn't we? What's wrong with you Leo?"

Leo: "Forgive me. I just haven't head my evening coffee yet."

Qrow: "We getting help or not?"

A clutter is heard. Looking to the side I see a shadow go down a staircase. Curious I follow it eventually coming to what I think would be called the basement. Looking around I spot all the support beams for the school. I hear beeping making me continue on my path. After a minute or two I find something that makes my eyes go wide.

Y/N: "What's a bomb doing down here?"

Looking at its wires I see them rigged to the support beams.

Y/N: "If that goes off the whole school's coming down. I gotta disarm it."

I head for the bomb when something pierces my thigh. Looking I spot a glass arrow. After yanking it out my body forces me to duck. Back kicking I send someone away. Turning I spot a woman in a red dress.

Y/N: "What're you doing here? Why're there bombs here?"

Woman: "This place holds the relic. With it in pieces the relic will be ours for the taking."

Y/N: "You won't get your hands on it."

I deploy my scythe rushing at the woman. We clash weapons in a stalemate. We struggle to budge the other when the woman uses a glass dagger to cut my stomach. I stumble back as she fires an arrow through my foot sticking me to the ground. I yelp in pain when the woman swings a glass hammer whacking my cheek. 

I skid across the gun using my scythe to slide to a stop. Transforming to my guns I fire at the woman. The first bullet hits her knee taking her down. I fire another that lines up with her head. She however uses her sword to slice it in half. The first half hits the wall while the second half follows a different path. We both watch in slow motion as the bullet half heads for its target.

Y/N/Woman: "Noooo!!!!"

The bullet half hits the bomb causing a chain reaction of explosions. The concussive blast rockets me backwards slamming back first into a wall. My head hits it knocking me out.

3rd POV

The bombs rigged to the school go off leveling it. Fire erupts flinging and tossing debris everywhere. The heroes and villains are blown away hitting the ground shattering their auras. When everything settles heroes and villains lay unmoving. The heroes are the first to awaken. As they regroup we pan to the epicenter where Y/N can be seen laying on his back. Ruby spots him then runs to his body.

Ruby: "Y/N! Y/N can you hear me!?! Y/N!!!"

Her world shatters as Y/N remains unmoving. She's then joined by Ozpin who's holding his shoulder in pain.

Ozpin: "Come on, we need to leave before Grimm arrive."

Ruby: "But Y/N-"

Ozpin: "He's dead. And if we stick around we'll be too."

Ruby takes several glances at Y/N then Ozpin before gently setting him down. As she walks away Y/N weakly opens his eyes. He spots his retreating friend reaching out for her.

Y/N: "Ruby. Don't leave me."

He uses all of his strength to scream out to her but it's no use. He's too injured from the explosion. He's left to only watch as she leaves. Tears flood as he frantically tries to holler for his friend. But it's all for naught. He looks up to the heavens as he thinks to himself. He's all alone now. He's dying and his friend left him. His one true good friend in this hate filled world just abandoned him. She said she wouldn't but she just did. 

The sadness that's in him turns to hatred, hatred for everything in this world. Why oh why must he be so unlucky? Why does he have to be the one constantly beaten and left behind? All he wants is to have someone who gives a damn about him. But he can't even have that. He started as a kid who's wish was to have a friend. But now, after everything that's happened to him, he's no longer that kid. If no one wanted him then so be it. 

If everyone fears what he is and what he can do then that's perfect. He's accepted the fact he can't control what he does, so why not accept what everyone calls him? If they want him to be a monster, then a monster he will be. If they say he's just gonna plunge the world into darkness with his own power, then by Oum that's what he's gonna do. He'll make everyone pay. Pay for all the hate and pain they caused him. He'll make they all fear what they created. A monster.

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