Chapter 7

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Warning: Slight lemon up ahead.

Third person p.o.v

Ike/Yamauchi/Sudo/Kushida: Cheers!

The four of them celebrated as two people were not joining them. Those two people were Horikita and Haru. Horikita was just sitting calmly on Haru's bed, reading a book while Haru has an annoyed expression.

Sudo: Hey, why the long face?

Haru: Not to be a party pooper and I like to celebrate and all but why is it in my room!

Haru said annoyed but the group ignored him.

Yamauchi: But man, that was close! If Kushida hadn't gotten those old test questions, Ike and Sudo would've been expelled from the school!

Ike: Hey, you just barely passed, too.

Yamauchi: I just haven't gotten serious yet.

Haru decided to ignore them as he took a sip of his soda. Then Kushida talks to him.

Kushida: Hey Nakano!

Haru: Whats up?

Kushida: How did you get them to revoke Sudo's expulsion?

This question silenced the three boys who were arguing as they look over at both Haru and Kushida. Haru looks at the three and back at Kushida before sighing.

Haru: I did nothing. I went to the bathroom and did my business. But I happened to know who the real hero is.

Sudo: Eh? You do?

Yamauchi: Well, spill the bean. Who is it?

Haru smirks as he points to the person on his bed reading a book. Horikita.

Haru: It was her. Horikita.

This caught Horikita's attention as she looks at Haru at the corner of her eyes.

Haru: Horikita had a talk with the school. Saying stuff like "You can't expel someone without explanation just because they got a failing score" that is what she said.

Horikita: H-Hold on-

Kushida: You did that Horikita?

Before Horikita could say anything else, Kushida cuts her off and Haru continues.

Haru: I've never seen her so serious about anything.

Haru looks at Horikita to see her glare at him with a slight pink cheeks. Haru only sighs mentally knowing that sooner or later, she is going to kill him for that. But he does not care at all.

Haru: It was amazing. She threw out all these accusations, and not one teacher could fight her.

Ike: You're kidding! Horikita, that's amazing!

Yamauchi: I guess we had the wrong idea about you!

Haru looks over at Sudo as he nudges him gently.

Haru: Aren't you grateful, Sudo?

Sudo: Why would you do that for me?

After Horikita was done glaring at Haru, she sighs as she kept her composure.

Horikita: I merely acted for my own benefit.

All the while the boys (except Haru) are praising Horikita, one certain individual isn't so happy. But no one notice, since that person is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

After a few hours has passed Ike, Yamuchi, Sudo and Horikita called it a night as they left Haru's apartment. However Kushida stayed as she helps Haru clean his apartment, to which he was glad.

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