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I close the door only when his car becomes too small to see.

Well, that was something.

I look over at my mom as she talks with Dua.

"I'll be back in a minute," I tell tell her as I take the suitcase in one hand to take upstairs.

She barely looks over, so I assume I'm safe for another 30 minutes. She really loved kids.

I slowly struggle upstairs, my hands in full capacity. I really need to work out more, who knew I was this weak. Or maybe the suitcase was just heavy?

I sigh as I set the suitcase down in my room and take out the card Omar had wrote.

Yes, he actually hand wrote a card. For me.

I carefully open it, not wanting to ruin the envelope, and open up the letter.

His handwriting looked beautiful, nothing at all like the illegible scribbles he would write on the order cards at the cafe. I could tell he had put in a lot of effort.

To my dear Cyra,

I know you doubt that my feelings for you are real. So here is my way proving it to you. Every single day for the next few weeks I will be giving you a letter. Each letter will explain a part of you from my eyes.

Today's topics: how caring of a person you are.

Remember the first time we met? At the airport?

I had been sitting at the lounge area, listening to music and just people watching. You had caught my attention as you speed walked past me while talking on the phone. And that's when I saw you go out of your way to help walk an elderly woman to a seat even though it seemed like you were running late.

My point is, from the very beginning, even when I didn't know who you were, I understood that you were a good person. A person who deserved to be dignified and respected.

And that to me is a beautiful quality. You go out of your way to help others even when you know you won't get anything out of it. What makes it more of an admirable trait is that the only reason you do it is for them.

Because it'll bring a smile their faces or make their day the tiniest bit better.

And for that, I cherish you. You are a gem. A beautiful gem.

Soon to be yours,
Omar Malik

I stare at the letter for what felt like forever.

Did I actually just read that?

Did he actually write this?

He noticed this about me?

I feel my eyes start to get watery as I put the letter down, not wanting it to get crinkled up.

The fact that someone had even taken notice to this about me was appalling. And he said he would send one every single day. Did that mean he saw more?

Couldn't we get married sooner?

I was never leaving this man.

But first, of course, I still had to tell Ilaria and Razan.

My mom had taken the information well. I wondered how they would react.

Putting the letter away in a little box, I dried my face and looked at myself in the mirror.

It was going to be okay.

I was going to be okay.

I had him.

Everything was going to be alright. 


A.N so how was the letter & how did it make you feel ;)

Word count: 564

Date Posted: 02/21/2022

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