03 | Raccoon

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"BYE, MR EVANS!" One of my students call out, waving as she holds her mothers hand.

I grin and wave goodbye at the little girl, Haven, her name is.

Todays been a long fucking day, and so has this week and only half of it has gone by.

First it was that woman that lives on the floor above me yelling at me two days ago, then it was me spilling tea on myself while teaching yesterday. And today, my heads been pounding like crazy from children.

I sit in my car and sigh through my nose, thinking back to those two days ago my brain seems unwilling to delete from my memory.


I wonder what she's up to. What she does in her free time other than get stuck in elevators. I didn't exactly think things through when I pretended to be her boyfriend in front of her parents, it just... happened. And it worked, so I'm not sure why she went all fucking crazy-woman on me afterwards.

I bite my bottom lip, simply thinking of her face. The piercing that hung from her septum, the rings she wore, the way her breast sat so... perfectly—

But I shake my head and the image of her out. Sitting up, I remember where I am.

In my car in front of an elementary school, surrounded by whiny children.

Not the ideal place to grow a boner.

Turning the key in the ignition of my car, I press down on the gas and start driving.

The streets of NYC are ones most people would call hectic. It's a fucking nightmare. I've come to miss London sometimes when I start driving, traffic is inevitable. I take a longer route home, avoiding the streets that would lead me into jams. I have no real reason to rush home, I have a few papers to fill out, lessons to plan, but other than that... I'm not sure why I feel the need to get there.

I don't really have anyone to converse with either.

It takes a little more time than usual to get to the front of the building. I park and get out, grabbing my phone and walking inside.

Sitting in the front desk is Edna Higgins, the security guard. I raise a hand as a hello and she grins. She's a fairly older woman, in her forties I believe, the center of her eyes starting to wrinkle when she smiles.

"Afternoon, Mr. Evans," she says.

I walk to her, leaning on the desk. "Edna." A huff leaves me, I glance around the lobby. "You know of that new resident? The woman, fairly tall," I measure her height with my hand just under my chin. "Curly hair, brown eyes..."

She nods while stacking some papers on the desk. "Yes, Raelynn Garcia?"

"Garcia, yes. Is she home? Have you seen her... leave?" I try my best to sound nonchalant, though calm and collected hasnever really suited me anyway.

Edna shakes her head, "She should be home right now. Should I ring her apartment phone to tell her to come down?"

I shake my head, "That won't be necessary, I'll go up."Just then, the door to the stairs opens and a familiar face pops through, walking with her gaze at the floor.

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