Chapter 1

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Katie's POV

"My schedule is going perfectly," Alexa said. "Dinner at four o'clock sharp." "Any room on your schedule to finally answer my question about why you said no to Dylan?" I asked. "Hmm, let's see," Alexa started. "Green beans, pumpkin pie, stuffing. No Dylan, sorry." "Hey, I respect your privacy," I told her. "But I need answers." "OK. I'll say it just this once." Alexa decided. "Dylan only asked me to the dance because he feels sorry for me." "We both know that isn't true" I stated. "Fine, it isn't," Alexa sighed. "What's wrong, I thought you liked him," I questioned. "I don't, okay," Alexa looked down at the floor as she spoke. "But, he seems like the boy you would like," I said. Alexa looked up at me. "That's the thing, I don't like any boys," she said.  I looked at her with a confused face.

 "I like girls," she muttered. "I'm gay." I pulled Alexa into a hug and made sure she knew I supported her. "Who knows?" I asked after we pulled away from each other. "You," she answered. Alexa and I got back to cooking as the rest of her family came downstairs.

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