Gabriel and bella was kidnapped

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okay, I'm just going to get right into this see you guys at the end of this chapter. P.S. Your only weakness is your children.



you fell to the floor screaming cause you were upset and angry. she found a note on the floor next to Gabes Pacify. you pick the note up and read it.

(if you want our son and daughter back you better come to this location with 10,000.)

after reading that you were furious gabes father took them both and he doesn't know that you are a mafia.

ugh fucking bloody hell

I call Roman and tell him what happened and that someone needs to get here and watch over Ethan.

Roman Gabe's father kidnapped him and Bella

Roman: I'm on my way

okay but you have to tell Ethan what going on have six men posted outside and have some of Brandon's guards to

Roman: Roger that boss. Wait what happened to my men that was at the house?

I'm so sorry but they were shot dead

Roman: how many?


roman: * signs* may they rest in peace

I'm going to call Jody and tell her, Sam, Dean, and Cas, to come by

Roman: okay be safe, please

I will see you when you get here

roman: see you boss

we hung up the phone and I called Jody and told her what happened and to come over and bring the boys. once you finish your conversation with Jody you get a call from Brandon.

yes Brandon

where are you? cause I walked into your office and you were not there.

I'm at home *sniffling cause of anger and upset*

Princess, are you okay?

just have your guard bring you home, please

um okay did something happen that I should know about


okay I'm on my way princess

you guys hung up and you just sat there waiting for Jody and the boys to come, Roman and Brandon. Roman was the first one to arrive he ran into my room and saw me sitting down and crying my eyes out he ran and hugged me and comforted me.

Mafia/professor Brandon Where stories live. Discover now