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╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝ #jikook: short written drabble

Tags: MCD,Angst and hurt



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The road seemed too wide and the distance felt too short and jk hated it,hated that he knew how many more miles they had until they'd arrive at the beach,he hated that he knew he wouldn't be able to bring himself to drive down this road when tomorrow came.he tried to focus on the road while also keeping an eye on the boy that slept in the passenger seat,his orange hair glowing like a flame in the setting sun,his dark lashes prominent on his pale skin. He was bundled in a coat and neck warmers even though it was cold & jk hated it

he first tear slipped down his eyes,his body shaking as he kept driving. All the strength he had mastered to do this was slowly fading as he saw the color slowing fading from jm's face. He wanted to scream, he wanted yell but he couldn't and the pain was worse
his heart broke when jm slowly woke up and smiled at him...that same smile when jm would push his head out the window and yell happily as they drove down this same road, the same damn smile that make his heart jump with joy was breaking it now
he remembered when jm was wild and oh so strong, he was so carefree and would sing and dance in car to old songs while jk drove.He remembered when he would complain about jk's music taste but theb jk would find him secretly add them to his Spotify
now the same boy lays in the passenger seat and he doesn't put his head out to yell and he doesn't sing and dance to the song playing on the radio and jk cries harder as he keeps driving and jm must notice it coz he's crying too...for jk,for his lover
he squeezes jk's hand that is clutched in his and even though he doesn't say it,he knows jk knows that he's sorry for going like this.
jk carries him to the beach, setting him down lightly on the sand before taking the seat beside him & holding jm close to him as they watch the sun slowly sink over the horizon. jm sighs as if he was tired.
"let's go back now",jk whispers
"No,stay...I want to stay here with you"
jm sighs again and snuggles a little more closer to jk.
"hold me tight, won't you kkyu?" he whispers,as if telling secret."You used to hold me so tight,why are you scared now mh?".
"I won't break baby..and I'm not scared of what's coming".
"But I am"
"I'm so scared jm",jk sobs now holding his lover closer to him."I'm so fucking scared".
jm wipes his tears."you're gonna be okay".
"No I won't ,I will never be okay"
"You will be & you'll got to music school,chase ur dreams, become a superstar & sing all those songs you wrote..."
"I wrote them for you"
"& now you have to sing them for the world"
"but you are my whole world"
"Don't make this hard for me kkyu,let me go pls...I'm only holding on for you but u have to let me go"
"I don't wanna let go..I don't ever want to do that"
"Baby please",jm sighed again & this time jk could feel his energy slowly slip away visibly."Please let me go,I can't hold on much longer".
jk held him tightly,tears streaming down his face.he didn't want to look at jm coz he was sure he could see the life slipping away in them
but jm tilted his head and locked eyes with him.
"You know I love you right?"
jk nodded sobbing harder.
"I'll wait for you... ALWAYS".
"Pinky swear",jm smiled as hmtbey interlocked their hands and touched thumbs.
jm sighed again,as if he wanted to take a long tiring nap.
"The sunset,it was the most beautiful I've seen since we started dating...I'm gonna go to sleep now kkyu, I luv u". he took a last breath and closed his eyes ,jk pecking his lips over and over until they went cold
and jk hugged his boyfriend's fast growing cold lifeless body on the beach as the first stars came out,he cried silently until there were no tears left to cry anymore......

The End

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