Chapter 3

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He walked back in with a container of needles he was shaking to a tune.

"That's your method- really?" Natasha taunted.
Claud looks back annoyed as he PIERCED a needle to her finger.

Natasha bites her cheek with pain as the blood drips down.

"Aww Ms Romanoff, are you alright?" Claud said leaning into Natasha's face.

Natasha looks back at him as she SLAMS him on the head.
"Hurts doesn't it?" She spits at him as hee tumbles holding his fore head.

"You bloody red head!" He shouted while looking down at the dripping blood from his nose.

"You broke me Nose!" he added.
Natasha leans to her hand and gets one of the needles and hides it in her cheek. Claud looks back with anger while his nose bridge turns purple.

He stands with wobbling feet raising his hand preparing for a slap BANG! The door bursts open to Vax, laughing.

"You bloody idiot! (He chuckled) got yer nose swollen from one hit!" He laughs more as claud stands aside, pulling the trolley of needles away.

"A friend called! (He smiled) said he wanted you out of here... Got lucky didn't ya" He pulled the key to the straps out of his belt.

*Click* *click*

He unlocked the 4 straps off.

Claud left the room annoyed while Natasha stands up.

"Don't try anything" Vax whispered looking down at Natasha. She looks back with a small devious smile.

Vax looks at her lips as he moves to her eyes. He feels a flutter in his chest. A sense of guilt.

"As I said, don't try anything" He repeated. Vax starts to walk not knowing what happened while Natasha followed from the back completely out of sight.

They get to the hall. Natasha gets the needle to her finger.

"Psst- Mikey" She called as Vax turned back with a small frown. Quickly Natasha STABS the needle to his right eye. Vax SCREAMS with blood dripping. He swings his hand as Natasha catched it and SWUNG  him like a light pillow. She starts to run forgetting her mission.

Vax noticed the blood on his head as he tried to get up. Adrenaline was rushing he didn't even feel the blood flowing from his eye like red food coloring. It stained his white top as he reached for his intercom.

His vision started to get blurry while the room spun like a carousel. He pressed the emergency button as the lights went red.


He dropped to the floor as he saw his guards rushing to get him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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