☾ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠: 𝕍𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕤 ☽

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Vanessa left The Daycare a while ago. Sun didn't really know what to do. The kids couldn't come today because of...the incident. Sun kept thinking about it, and felt REALLY bad. He knew it wasn't 'really' his fault, but he just terrible. "...WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?...I-I JUST DON'T...GET IT..." Sun said. He was sitting on the colorful padded floor, playing with some wooden building-blocks. He was trying to build a cute small house. "ALLLL MOOOSST...THERE! ALL FINISHED! THE PERFECT HOUSE!" Sun exclaimed, standing up, looking at the amazing house he made. And suddenly, it fell over with a little 'CRASH' sound. "OH NO!!! MY HOUSE!!! OH NO!!! OH NO!!! OH NO!!! CLEAN UP!!! CLEAN UP!!!" Sun gasped, putting his hands on his head. He quickly got back on the ground and started cleaning up the mess he made. He then picked up all the blocks and set them aside. "THERE, ALL BETTER!" Sun exclaimed, clapping his hands.

"...You fool..." a croak-like, raspy voice said. "HUH?! W-WHO'S THERE?!" Sun exclaimed, quickly moving his head left and right. It stayed silent. "HMM...PROBABLY JUST HEARING THINGS!" Sun said, shaking his head. He then walked over the ball pit. "HM, MAYBE I SHOULD GO FOR A SWIM! YIPEEE!" Sun exclaimed, doing a cannon-ball into the colorful balls. As he dived in, balls went flying. He then lifted his head up out of the pit. "HOHO! THAT WAS FUN!" Sun said. "...BUT I STILL WISH THE KIDDIES COULD COME AND PLAY...BUT IT'S ALL MY FAULT!.." Sun said, his head lowing down a bit. Sun quickly got out of the ball pit and ran to the supply closet. He grabbed out some bottles of glitter glue and some paper. He rushed to one of the little kid tables. He grabbed one and moved it over to where he was sitting. He'd set his supplies on the table. "HMMM...WHAT SHOULD I MAKE?..HMM..." Sun thought. "OH! I KNOW!"

Sun squirted out some yellow glitter glue and tried to make a sun-like head. He then used the rest to make the body, arms, hands, legs, and feet. He then took some orange glitter glue and added some details inside the image. He took some red glitter glue for some of the clothing, and then some pink glitter glue for the background. Once he was done, he picked up his drawing, stood up, and looked at it. He made himself! It was a bit sloppy, but he liked it just the way it was. "WOW! IT LOOKS...SO...BEAUTIFUL! I MADE A MASTERPIECE FOR SURE!" Sun exclaimed, hugging the drawing close to him. "...It looks...UGLY..." the croak-like, raspy voice again. "H-HUH?! W-WHO SAID THAT?!" Sun said. He dropped his drawing on the ground and ran around The Daycare, trying to search for the mysterious person. "W-WHERE ARE YOU?! T-THE DAYCARE IS CLOSED!" Sun said. He started to get nervous. What if it was a lost child? Sun ran around some more, but couldn't find anyone. "...W-WELL...M-MAYBE I'M JUST HEARING THINGS AGAIN!...HEHE!..." Sun said.

"...NO YOU FOOL!..." the croak-like, raspy voice said. "AHHHHH!! W-WHO'S THERE?!" Sun said, startled. "...YOU FOOL! UP IN YOUR PUNY HEAD!..." the voice said, with a lot more anger. "H-HUH?...I-IN MY HEAD?!" Sun screamed in shock. "...YES IN YOUR HEAD, YOU FOOL!..." the voice said. Sun started to REALLY panic. "W-WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! I'M GOING I-INSANE!!!" Sun cried out. "...SUSH, YOU FOOL!..." the voice said. "...I'll explain if you would just SIT DOWN!..." the voice angerly said. Sun quickly grabbed a chair and sat down. "...You're probably wondering what's happening to you...didn't even knew you had someone with you..." the voice said, giggling. Sun shook a bit. "W-WHO ARE YOU?!" Sun exclaimed. "...You know who I am...I know you do..." the voice said, teasingly. "...I-I DON'T! J-JUST TELL ME!" Sun said. "...Moon..." the voice said. "...M-MOON..." Sun said quietly to himself. "...Yes, Moon..." Moon said. "...N-NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!" Sun screamed, almost about to cry. "...CALM DOWN, YOU FOOL!...SETTLE DOWN!..." Moon said. Sun calmed down a bit, but he just hated hearing Moon's strange, creepy, raspy voice. "W-WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD M-ME THIS B-BEFORE?!" Sun asked. "...I liked keeping it a secret for a long time...until now...I though it was fun...but I had to eventually tell you...thought it would make you SHUT UP with your ANNOYING VOICE..." Moon explained. "HEY! T-THAT'S NOT NICE!" Sun said, crossing his arms. "...Heh, knew you would say that..." Moon said, giggling.

"SO...W-WHY ARE YOU...S-SO...EVIL?" Sun asked, more calmer now. "...Hmm...getting into personal questions, I see...heh, why do you want to know so badly?..." Moon teased. "B-BECAUSE YOU MAKE ALL THE CHILDREN SCARED WHEN THEY'RE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Sun said. "...No, no Sunny...you've got it all wrong...you see, I ONLY scare them when they DON'T. FOLLOW. THE. RULES..." Moon said, menacingly. "...O-OH...I-I SEE, BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO PUNISH THEM SO HARSHLY?" Sun asked. "...Because they DESERVE IT!..." Moon said. "B-BUT THAT HURTS THE CHILDREN! Y-YOU DON'T WANNA HURT THE CHILDREN?...R-RIGHT?...HEHE!.." Sun asked, nervously. "...When the little children go to bed like they should, then yes...I won't hurt them...but the NAUGHTY ONES HOWEVER...they get something...more different..." Moon giggled. "..I-I SEE...BUT WHAT ABOUT-" "...SHUSH!...I know you have more questions, but it's almost morning time...the kiddies will be coming back today, you know?..." Moon said. "O-OH YEAH! I ALMOST FORGOT!" Sun exclaimed. "..Yes...but I shall go now...it's your turn..." Moon said, as he faded away into the darkness of Sun's mind...


🌣 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 🌣 - ☾ 𝔸 𝕊𝕦𝕟 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 ☽Where stories live. Discover now