The Park

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Jack and you are taking a walk and come to the park.
"OH MY GOD JACK LOOK LOOK LOOK!" You grab Jack's hand and drag him over to the tire swing hanging from a incredibly tall tree.
Jack laughs and shakes his head. "Wanna get on? I'll push you." He says, slinging an arm over your shoulder.
"YASSS!" You exclaim and hop onto the tire swing.
Jack laughs again at your excitement and begins to pull you up into the air.
"JACK TOO HIGH TOO HIGH!" You scream in fear. Jack just smirks and holds you up higher before letting the swing fling through the air.
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD JACK IM GONNA KILL Y-" And the tire swing hits full force into the tree. You are laughing hysterically yet scolding while Jack is laughing so hard tears brim in his crystal blue eyes.
You jump off the swing and tumble into his arms and Jack catches you despite the laughter.
You stare into his eyes, ready to scowl him, but his eyes are too sincere and too warm. Your smile fades and his does, too. You realize he's holding you and you never want him to let go. He leans down slowly and places a soft, feathery kiss on your lips that makes your stomach flip.
You pull apart and ruin the moment intentionally by running up to the playground.
You pull him behind you, barely keeping grip because you're a giggly mess, and run up the stairs to the slide much too small for you.
You go down anyway and Jack just sits on the bench watching how silly you're acting.
"I didn't know I was dating a really adorable 3 year old." He calls out with pink cheeks and a smile.
You go red and continue playing. Soon, a group of boys approach the park. The leader wears a black, leather jacket and would be a lot cuter if you weren't into anyone who isn't Jack.
Jack spots them and tenses.
"Y/N, let's go." He calls out to you. You quickly follow, the boys scaring you a bit, when a firm hand spins you around. You're face to face with a pair of light brown eyes that are anything but warm. You notice that you two are way too close, and you go to back away. He pulls you even closer, so close his breath is warm on your face. You struggle but are no match for his strength.
"Where you going, pretty lady?" He asks inching closer. So close your noses almost touch. So close you can't help but struggle in discomfort. So close Jack snaps.
"GET OFF HER." Jack booms from behind me. You flinch at the power in his voice, but the boy stays firm and ready to fight.
He tosses me to the side a little to hard where his friends quickly grab me by the arms.
He gets close the Jack's face this time. Jack's jaws set and his fists are clenched into tight balls.
"Make. Me." He challenges, cracking his knuckles.
"Back off." Jack shoves the boy and I cringe.
"DONT TOUCH HIM!" You scream, but it's no help because his knuckles collide with Jack's perfect face and blood seeps from his nose and your heart breaks a bit at the sight.
"JACK STOP!" You scream, but the fighting continues until Jack is weak on the ground. One touch and he'll pass out. You scream and struggle and cry out at the two boys with firm grips, but don't succeed in helping him.
The boy in the leather jacket leaves Jack there for you to see and they let you go.
"You guys are no fun." He smirks. Him and his group walk away. You want to slap him across the face and scream and cry at him but you don't. Instead, you tend Jack.
"Oh my god Jack!" You cry out she you see the blood seeping from Jack's nose and lip.
"Y/N, are you okay baby? Oh my gosh I couldn't even help you. I'm so sorry, Y/N!" Jack stresses. You shake your head.
"Jack, you did help me. You protected me. I love you so much." You say. You lean down and your lips touch Jack's softly. Jack deepens the kiss and you realize you most likely look strange kissing a bloody guy on the mulch floor of a park, so you pull away.
"Let's get you home and clean these cuts." You say firmly and take his hand in yours.
Hey guys! Oh my god, teh reads, freaking out. Thank you guys so much for all the reads! I'm so sorry for not updating very often but I've been incredibly busy. Right now it's 11 and I have school tomorrow so I kept it short cx LOVE YOU GUYZZ <33333

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