Love at first flight

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It was lunch time and Adrastos headed to the cafeteria of the temple and got his food from the lunch ladies. He then made his ways to the eating tables but almost all the seats were full. Those seats that weren't full were either taken away or just blocked so that he couldn't sit there. Mainly because they did not like him because he was considered a bad boy. Adrastos still kept searching until he found a table where he could eat. He then came across a table that looked to have a group of magic crafters sitting there.

Female Dragon: you can sit over here if you want

Adrastos then looked to where that voice came from and he looked over to the middle of the table and there was a female dragon who was a magic crafter with a staff by her side. As soon as he laid eyes on hers, his eyes were like dinner plates. The dragon had magenta colored skin and a beautiful set of wings and purple eyes. Her horns were yellow as well as the scales on her belly. She was eating an apple as she waited for Adrastos to respond. But he was staring at her lips as she ate the apple.

Female Dragon: do you want to sit with me?

Adrastos then stood there blushing a bit but quickly shook his head to come back to reality.

Adrastos: oh yeah I would like that. Sorry I was-

Female Dragon: staring vaguely at my direction

Adrastos: (blushes) um well yeah you know you just-

Female Dragon: have nice, luscious lips?

Adrastos: (blushes) uhh, okay you got me.

Female Dragon: (chuckles) it's fine

Adrastos: but how did you know?

Female Dragon: I can read minds

Adrastos just stood there frightened by her response and made his brain go blank. The female dragon then laughed at the look on his face.

Female Dragon: (laughs) I'm just kidding, lots of boys do that when I meet them for the first time

Adrastos: (chuckles) oh okay, you had me there for a second

Male Dragon: trust me, she does it a lot, with everyone

Female Dragon: my name is Magenta

Adrastos: I'm Adrastos, but my friends call me Adra

Male Dragon: oh your the new kid aren't you?

Adrastos: yes sir

Another Male Dragon: I heard that you got into a lot of fights a few years ago and that's why you're here

Adrastos: uhh

Male Dragon: oh right where are our manners, introductions, introductions. I'm Zantor

Other Male Dragon: My name is Kelvin, sorry for making you uncomfortable

Adrastos: it's quite alright, schools don't make me comfortable

Zantor: because you'd rather go adventuring then learning anything?

Adrastos: yeah, how did you know?

Kelvin: that's what most peace keepers say when they come to this school

Adrastos: how did you know?

Zantor: we can tell by the way you are built, and the red scarf you wear

Adrastos: perhaps I found this off a dead peace keeper

Kelvin: highly unlikely, I heard you can't kill a peace keeper

Adrastos: wish that was true

Adradtos then takes a bite out of a steak and the minute it hit his tongue, he immediately spat it out, because it was slightly burnt.

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