Chapter1: The Heelshires

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Hushed rattling played in the air while a foul odor danced inside the old car as it putted down the road of British, Columbia. Awakened by the faintest sense of lingering eyes I slowly glanced up to catch the driver peering at me briefly from the rear view mirror. Glaring back I fixed my pale blue blouse then adjusted my coat against the window as I drifted back to sleep.

Startled I opened my eyes abruptly to see the driver tapping against my window.

"Apologies miss But we've reached our destination." The driver Apologized, opening my door as I grabbed my belongings and crawled out. "The Heelshires have some urgent business to attend to. They apologize for the delay, miss, and they ask that you wait inside by the entrance." He notified, as I stared up at the mansion with amazement. It's structure emanating the air of prestigious royalty that valued the worth of knowledge over riches.

"It's breathtaking, as though right from a fairytale." I admired, returning to the real world as I pulled out my wallet.

"Oh, the Heelshire family have already taken care of that. And I put the rest of your things inside." He stated, as I put my wallet back and thanked him before making my way inside. Parting the dark oak double doors I stepped in hearing them click shut behind me as I took in the dark academia style decorating the interior. Setting my bags down I continued to admire the intricate furniture, staying close to the entrance as the Heelshires instructed.

As I waited I heard a door shut in the distance then shortly a hushed rumbling that silenced quickly. Feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand I took a few calming breathes as I tried to settle my nerves and the curiosity that demanded we go find what made the ruckus. However much my curiosity persisted, I refused, not wanting the Heelshire family to think ill will of me before I even began so instead  I continued to wait.

Examining one of the many paintings along the walls my mind began to wander off not realizing the growing presence coming towards me. 

"Hi there." A gruff voice spoke, startled I jumped turning around quickly to see a man in dark blue jeans wearing a black vest over his green long sleeve which was partially unzipped to reveal a grey shirt beneath.

"Would you believe me if I said I was trying not to scare you." He calmed, coming closer as I tried to steady my heartbeat.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't hear you coming." I sighed nervously, stepping back from the wall.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concern flashing in his eyes as he looked me up and down.

"Yes, I just lost my train of thought is all." I reassured. "You wouldn't happen to know where the Heelshires are by any chance?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"No, I'm jus the grocery boy. I mean man, I own the shop." He smiled nervously. "I'm Malcolm, by the way." He introduced, holding his hand out for me to take as we shook hands. "Are you here for the nanny job?" He implored, breaking away before stuffing his hands into his vest pockets.

"Yes I am, my names Freya Cribbs." I smiled, hearing my name Malcolm's smile faded momentarily but returned shortly after.

Freya Cribbs, that's a wonderful name." He complimented, making me smile nervously. "Well Freya, I've got some groceries to unpack in the kitchen if you'd like to join me." He suggested. "I could show you where everything is from the fridge to the cooler. Maybe get to know each other a little more." He grinned, giving it a brief thought I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'd like that very much." I agreed, as I followed him into the kitchen that reminded me of a more light modern home with its pale blue walls the white marble counter tops and white cupboards. Walking over to the island middle of the kitchen, Malcolm grabbed a bundle of carrots from a wooden crate and handed it to me then pointed to a basket by the sink before grabbing more from the crate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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