A group project

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here I am again. Running late for class. I've got myself to blame, I know that. I know that if I closed my eyes after my alarm went off, it wouldn't end up well. But oh well, I guess that is what I did.

Either way, here I am; running down the school hallways trying to get to class.

"Mister Davidson, do you mind explaining why you are late? again?" I lean down on my knees, trying to catch my breath as I'm trying to make out words. "Listen, I am so sorry for being late. I don't have an excuse".

He looks at me with a bored expression and nods. "Right. Well, you've missed the part of the class where I explained the group project, so I guess you can ask your partner about it. Take a seat, Mister Davidson"

I sigh and look around the class for any open seats. Great. Just as I thought this day couldn't get worse, I am to discover the only unoccupied seat in class is next to my mortal enemy; Dream. I know I won't be able to change my situation, so I just make my way to the chair and sit down.

"Good. And of course, the group pairing will just be... the one you are currently next to. I figured that'd be easiest" My eyes widen as I comprehend what the teacher just sprained upon us.
I look to my right to see a smug-looking Dream staring right back at me.

"well, well, well. I guess we have the project on Shakespeare together Georgie" You gave GOT to be joking. I roll my eyes and curse the gods for not taking me to heaven today yet.
"Let's just try and get along maybe? for the sakes of the project?" I ask, my last resort.

"Oh don't be so naive George, you and I both know I'm going to make this a living hell for you" I widen my eyes, "Wh-what?".

He just smirks and continues, "Meet me at seven, my place, tonight to start on the project yea?" He leans close to whisper in my ear, a shiver creeps down my spine as his breath hits my face. So close. "Don't be late".

Without any further words, he gets up and leaves the classroom. The bells ring and I decide to also get up, I'm going to have to suck it up.


"You got paired with that demon? God, I'm praying for you" Karl mutters when telling him my news. Karl is my best friend, He knows I'm gay. Luckily he's okay with it, I mean, He is dating Nick. Nick is Dream's best friend, ironically enough.

"I know. I am supposed to meet him at seven tonight" I explain. "listen, George, maybe you should tell the professor you can't do the project? I mean, Dream has been bullying you ever since middle school and I'm sure he can give you the time to do it on your own?"

I sigh. "But what if he bullies me even harder if I back out? Tells me I'm a pussy?" "Listen. It's up to you, of course. Just warning you" I nod and get up, it should be okay if we stick to the project. That's what I decided to tell myself at least.

I receive a text; ~21th main road is the address. Don't be late, yours faithfully Dream.

I stare at the offending object that is my phone, looking mockingly back at me. His text was cocky.



-Knock knock-

I'm standing on his porch, anxiously waiting for him to open the door. Sure enough, his mother opens.

"Hello?" I clear my throat and try to put on a confident face. "Hi Mrs. Wastaken, I'm George. I'm here for Dr- Um Clay?" I almost make the mistake of calling him by his nickname to his mother. I have GOT to calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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