Scene 1: The lamb

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Three years later

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Three years later...

Your lips let out curses as you missed your transport by just a few seconds.

Your chest heaved up and down as you look at the retreating vehicle with defeat etched on your features, you looked around helplessly as you switch your case to your other hand and checked your watch, it read 4:25 PM.

"Fuck," You cursed and gripped the case that contains your violin as you sprint towards your destination.

The conductor does not take tardiness lightly, something that you have seen throughout the rehearsals.

You grit your teeth and sprint faster to the point that your legs were aching, in fifteen minutes, they'll start, and you'll hear an earful from Mr. Gianni, something that you've dreaded throughout your time under his wing. As you run for your life, the walking bystanders immediately stick their backs against the wall upon seeing your sprinting figure, some, you managed to bump as a result they cursed at you, and if they're kind enough, they'll only react with a scowl, but you can't feel bad about it though, after all, you did yell out:

"Mi scusi! Toglieti di mezzo per favore!"

'Come on!' You internally screamed as five minutes remain.

"Mi scusi! Toglieti di mezzo per favore!" You said aloud to a group of teenagers and they immediately parted to make way for you. "Grazie!" You say as you peered over your shoulder.

And that was your gravest mistake...

Without looking at whatever is in front of you, you bump against something sturdy-no, something in between of soft and sturdy, but it was enough for you to stumble back as you drop the case of your violin and fall butt-first on the concrete sidewalk, your right hand grazed against the pavement as you winced upon hearing your violin fall on the ground, you could hear something coil and snap from inside the case. "Crap," You muttered under your breath as you feel a sting on your right palm.

"Oh my," A feminine steely voice breaks in as you immediately get up and apologize profusely.

"Mi dispiace," You bow with your head ducked down.

You look up, and your jaw slacked as you land your eyes on the finest woman you've ever seen walk the earth.

Before you stands a woman no older than thirty, raven-black long locks, she wore a perfectly pressed all-black pantsuit with a white overcoat draped over her shoulders, her make up is sober but effective, everything about her seemed precisely tailored from head to toe, and when your eyes locked with hers...

You're met with the strangest sensation.

She takes a step towards you, and you didn't move as she swiftly, gracefully, reached out something from her pocket and grabbed your hand, and wiped the dust away from the grazed skin, gently, carefully. Her hands; are soft yet it lacks warmth as she dabs the dirt away from your skin, making sure to clean the area around the gash.

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