darling girl of the stars IV

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     Scarlett never got a full moments breath of how Julian looked. His jaw slightly chiseled, a type of devastatingly beautiful aspect to his features. Dark brown hair with a slight curl to it complimented his bronze skin, and a clean shaven face made her heart skip a beat.

     Scarlett cursed the Saints above.

     "Yes," she managed after a brief moment. "Isn't that run by some immortal named Legend?"

     Julian laughed. "Something like that, yes."

     "And you want me to play."

     She said it as a statement, because it was quite obvious with the two tickets he held.

     "That's right."


     Julian paused, "You know these streets well?"

     Scarlett nodded. "I grew up here."

     "All the better. You'll make a great guide for me in the game. This is only my brother's estate, and I very much intend to win this year's Caraval. The game starts in a week, and we'll be housed in Elantine's Palace."

     Scarlett detected a hint of nervous tangerine to his emotions, and she suspected he wasn't telling the truth; at least not the whole truth. But what could it hurt? She couldn't go back to her father, not after so many years of his deception, and if they did win Caraval, maybe the prize could give her a somewhat decent life.

     "What's the prize?" She asked cautiously.

     "This year it's a mystery, which means it has to be pretty damn good if he doesn't want many people knowing about it. And I know what you're thinking, and yes, we will split the prize, whatever it may be."

     "One more thing."

     Julian waved a hand, beckoning her to go on.

      "I agree to your terms, under one condition. You provide me housing until Caraval starts next week," Scarlett declared.

     "You have no where to go?"

     Scarlett drew in a breath. "Not any where I'd care to be."

     It was a lie. She missed home, but it wasn't any where she would actually go.

     Julian took a few moments, his expression blank but his feelings thoughtful. Then, he broke out into a devious grin that only made Scarlett nervous. Whether it was her heart or her head, she couldn't tell.

     "That shouldn't be a problem, as long as you're fine with staying here," he replied too happily.

     Scarlett's mouth tugged down a little. She surveyed the tiny cabin, it wasn't much, but it was shelter, and it was free. It was cozy, and it seemed like a fair deal. "It seems comfy here."

     "Good. Hopefully you still think that after you discover there's only one bedroom."

     Scarlett's heart almost stopped, and her mouth hung open. "You are cruel."

     Julian laughed again, deep and genuine. "I won't try anything, I promise I'm not a bad guy. But unless you feel like sleeping on the floor, you're out of luck."

     Scarlett considered him for a moment. She could always twist his emotions and make him sleep on the floor, but Scarlett promised herself she wouldn't be that kind of Fate, and mentally kicked herself for even thinking it. Julian, while he had been nothing but irritating, had also been kind and saved her immortal life. She believed him when he said he wouldn't try anything, one peek at his emotions was enough to discern he wasn't a type of evil the world no doubt held.

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