Chapter 4 - Acceptable Risk

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The sky was dark and the lights in the room shined a dim yellow as SIU had Team One line up in front of them to get photos. "I just want to shower up and go to bed," Sam says as camera flashes fill the room. Eddie stands in front of the camera with blood on the side of his face and an emotionless expression.

"Let's hope SIU feels the same way" Eddie says quietly as heels could be heard clicking against the concrete floor and a woman with shoulder length red hair walks into the room.

"Sequestered means no talking till after your interview" the woman states as she notices the tired faces of the team.

"Sorry, guys, they make me say that" she then says.

"Look, under the circumstances, think maybe we can sequester ourselves home and do these interviews tomorrow? Plus we all have someone we need to go see" Eddie asks as he follows the woman towards the conference table and she places a stack of papers down on top of it. She then turns around and faces Eddie looking at the dry blood on the side of his face.

"It's procedure, and it's not just SIU. The whole country's in shock. You saw all the media out there. Everybody's gonna be needing answers. We're all under the microscope here especially after what happened to Sergeant Alex Parker" the woman explains and Greg walks towards them.

"Well, you have our full cooperation. Team One, cross the T's and dot I's" Greg says as he looks around at the team and then stops as he then turns towards Eddie.

"The faster we get these done, the faster we get out of here" Greg explains and Eddie nods his head as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'm the subject officer. Let's get it done" Eddie advises.

"Good. I'll start with you. Where's your lawyer?" she asks, confused.

"Let's just forget the lawyer. We'll record it. Get us all home faster" Eddie says, beginning to feel frustrated and tired.

"I hear you," the redheaded woman states as Eddie walks by her.

Team One turns around and walks out of the conference room, and Wordy's phone begins to ring. "Hey, Shel" he answers.

"Yeah, I know.

"The girls didn't watch, though, did they?" Greg heard him say as he walked slowly behind the team with his arms still crossed over his chest.

"Shel No, I'm okay. But it's gonna be a while" Wordy sighs.

Greg leans against the wall watching as the rest of the team all scatters taking a seat wherever they could. "Hey Sarge" Spike then sighs as he appears next to Greg and he shows a small smile.

"Hey Spike" Greg says.

"Have you heard anything yet?" Spike then asks.

"It's pretty bad. They didn't say much, except that" Greg explains slowly.

"I can't believe we can't leave. I need to go" Spike says, beginning to panic and Greg turns to look at him as he places his hand on his shoulder.

"Spike-" Greg begins but Spike quickly turns to look towards him.

"It's my fault she is there, Sarge! I need to be there" Spike states.

"It's not your fault, Spike. She shouldn't have been there in the first place. That is my fault" Greg sighs and then leans back against the wall.


The large metal door closes to the conference room as Eddie sits at the large table with a small mic in front of him. "Look, I know the last thing you want to do is talk about what happened," the redhead SIU investigator Jill Hastings states.

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