New character ^

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I know I know amaryllis! You picked literally the most generic character I've ever known But in my defense I was going through the different character sheets and development for two different types of characters But, I still couldn't choose on who I wanted just like how I couldn't all those years ago so to solve this dilemma I choose both character instead, after all if I'm gonna be the game police I might as well be an op one.
Anyway it took a week of none stop work to get though all the development of fighting styles and magic and flight mods but in the end she was perfect and was ready for me to take home, as I thank my brother a million times over and even stopping by some of the other developers that helped to thank them for giving me this character and how grateful I was to them and it all turned out to be a great day as well headed home I also took the character chip to install on my game set as they didn't want the whole game community questioning what that update was but we made it home albeit a little hurriedly as I was excited to try out my new character.

As I got into the console my brother left to go make us something for dinner as I got my head set on I created a new game and installed the chip and waited, after it was done installing I put the final detail onto my character her name the same as mine was amaryllis but people would usually call her mary for short, I stated my age 16 birthmonth and year so I could change it as I got older and finally hit continue.
As the new game started I was already a good level considering but not nearly as high as my last character so I knew I would need to do some grounding, later on I finished a few missions and quests and leveled up to a better place and left for a bit to eat with my brother and soon spent the entire night playing and leveling up which was a lot easier due to my new class unlike my magic class one before but I had a few new tricks up my sleeve to get me through maps that are supposed to be to hard for me but I sore past them at good speed usually when you go through so many levels so quickly people start to wonder who the character is and how they leveled up so quickly but due my circumstances I was basically invisible to the game as I would find characters that were cheating/making inappropriate comments (very bad) and other non acceptable actions in the game and take them out to report the name to the database for further evaluation, while I admit it did get a little lonely not being able to play with my online friends I still had my old account for that so I was fine.

It's been a few months now I've turned 17 and made a new routine for myself sense getting my new character, usually starting off going to my brothers work, coming home eating a meal with him, then spending a few hours gaming and its been good I feel happy and content living this easy life. I've also enjoyed my character so far finally getting her above the previous level I was at which turned out to be a little harder than I imagined but I'm now possibly the top player in the game if not for my invisibility code. Im pretty sure if I turned it off people would go crazy and I thought of how many players would question or get mad at my special skin but I didn't think about it to much because I never intend to reveal myself.
The new world I was playing started feeling a little lonely without anybody there with me so I went to work and decided to make my own base adding 2 NPCs Cali and Rose (which took forever) to help me with guilds and bosses, as for my player class I've finally maxed out my abilities and skills after hours/months I felt good about were I was at.
It's been a few months sense I've been playing and company had noticed a 40% drop in hacking and cheating so to celebrate I Logged off to hangout with my brother and we went to an ice cream shop, usually we only save it for special occasions which is a very small number because it's been getting more expensive nowadays to the point we just don't come at all but my brother and I have been trying to save what we could for a few months so we could enjoy something less salty and more sweet.
As we made our way to the store we finally got our ice cream my brother getting cookies n cream and I cookie dough then moved to sit down as and listened to my brother rant I could tell that his upcoming project was tiring him out and me being his adorable little sister I would try to cheer him up offering him some of my ice cream and telling him I would help him if he needed and his smile said it all.
We stop talking for a bit so we could eat but I was already done so I looked around the shop and noticed There weren't that many people but, I guess that was a given with ice cream as I said it isn't as obtainable continuing to look around the store, its glass windows by the door and small ice cream area I noticed it was really cozy and cute dare I say homie, after a while I looked back at my brother an restarted the conversation.
1hrs pass in the shop
Getting tired my brother and I paid for our ice cream and started making our way to leave when...

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