Episode 6-The Curse of the Keeper

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As you watched his skin turning pale-grey, eyes shut, heartbeat stop, you screamed his name,

Y/N- Jungkook-Jungkook, you are not dead-not dead, wake up, open your eyes.

You hit his chest with your hand, shouting, crying as he's lying frozen on the floor. You rushed down to the kitchen to bring water, and splashed on his face, but there was no movement.

Y/N- Please-please wake up, do not leave me alone, open your eyes― and you continued to hit on his chest, suddenly, he started to cough, and groaned in pain, opened his eyes, and looked at you

Jungkook- I am fine-I am fine, Y/N.

He struggled to sit up, he held your arms tightly for the support and sat on the bed, looking at you painfully, sighing.

Jungkook- Y/N, I am alright, it happens often, don't worry.

You gazed at him perplexedly, as if you have seen a ghost or something

Y/N-what does this mean, happens often, you were just laying dead in front of me, there was no heartbeat, no movement at all, wh-at do you mean by this?

Jungkook catches his breadth while speaking, panting strongly, and you give him a glass of water as he settle down.

Jungkook- Y/N, there's a lot more you need to know, but I worry, what would happen if you get to know the whole truth. I am paranoid, I cannot LOOSE you.

Y/N- I am all ears, please tell me, you can confide in me. But watching you in this agony, I am anxious now. I want to help you. So, just tell me. What is it? What is the "whole truth that can risk my life"

Jungkook take your hands in his hands, pressing it gently and speaks, Y/N, I am―-CURSED― and I have been wandering on the earth since ages. I am not dead, not alive, "JUST CURSED HUMAN-CREATURE"

As he speaks, you widened your eyes, like you couldn't believe your ears, your eyes what you see and hear. Your heartbeat started to throb, you clutch his biceps firmly and stare at him with utter surprise.

Y/N- Cu-r-s-ed? You are not alive? Ho-w is that possible? I am unable to understand

Jungkook- There's more to it, listen to very carefully, I am ready to tell you each and everything. Promise me you wouldn't do anything reckless.

This locket belongs to you, you are a SEER, and I am― the KEEPER of the OTHERWORLD.

Y/N- Otherworld, keeper? What? Wa-it, wait, slow-down, I am SEER, you KEEPER, then this otherworld, oh my goodness, I ca-nnot process all of this information. I am sorry.

-After few moments-

Y/N- Okay, well then, go on, tell me, why are you cursed? Who did that to you? What happened?

Jungkook- I fell in love with a girl, my one true love, I wanted to marry her, but our dreams were shattered, when her family got to know about us and then that was the day I got cursed.

Y/N- Who was the girl?

Jungkook- I have lived on this earth since 1000 years, and the girl name was "MYRA" and you are the reincarnation of my love MYRA.

You gulped, after listening this, Y/N-I am MYRA!!! Who cursed you then? And what happened to MYRA?

Jungkook, stood up, walked to the cabinet, pulled the locket and hand it over to you.

Jungkook- Touch this locket, and concentrate. You will get your answers.


You were lying in dark, eerie place underneath the mammoth trees, you heard vague noises coming from the front side, you see a lady wearing black robe, was holding a trident, and her palms facing towards the young man standing in front of her.

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