Chapter 1

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(A/N: Sorry for taking so long to write this... I was so busy, and a lot has happened in the past few months, so I didn't have any time or motivation to write. BUT I hope you enjoy, and I will try my best to update as much as I can:))

No one POV

Hyunjin wasn't very happy. Why may you ask? Well, that's because his dad had just died from a heart disease a couple months ago and his mom has already moved on. And to make these matters worse the man his mom has "fallen in love with" has a son. Hyunjin was just fine being an only child. Plus, his mom had told him the day before that they would be moving in with them next week.

Hyunjin's POV-At the Hwang's house

"I don't want to move in with them mom!" I yelled back at my mom with anger evident in my voice. "Listen honey, I know very well you don't want to move, go to another school, and have a new life with a different family. But change can be good! I think a fresh start will be great for the both of us." My mother said with a caring voice. "That's what you think! I have friends here! I belong here!" I argued back. I didn't want to go; I don't want to leave the town I lived in for my whole life. It's like she's asking me to leave my old life behind me. Including my father...

"Honey, I know this is hard for you, but we are moving and that's final. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm forcing you, but this is for the best. Plus, how do you know it's going to be as bad as you say it is?" My mom said while coming over to me on the couch. "And look at it from this way, they are rich! You can get whatever you want, all the things you have ever wished for! Now I'm not asking you to forget your life here or to forget your father. But I do want you to find some closure and comfort. And I think this big change is what we both need." I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to go. All my friends are here, everything I have ever known is here. Now I'm being asked to leave? No, I don't like that at all, but what if mom is right?

I look at my mom once again, she also is tearing up and I don't like watching my mom cry. Then I think about the way she is feeling. She must be going through a lot right now and I'm just adding to that list. I don't want to burden my own mother. I sigh and start talking, "Ok mom, I'll go. I agree on moving in with them. But I want to come down here over breaks." My mom's face lights up immediately. Then she pulls be into a hug and says, "Thank you son, and of course we can come here over breaks! I would never keep you from this place. And come to think of it you can bring your stepbrother here one day and give him a tour of the place!" My mom's suggestion doesn't sound too bad, but I don't even know what my stepbrother looks like. Plus, I don't even know if he supports gays! But I guess you never know.

A week later- Hyunjin's POV

"Oh, I'm so tired!" I say as I lay on the floor of my now empty room. "Oh, be quiet you lama you didn't even do anything besides fold and pack your clothes! I did everything!" If you're wondering who that is well, it's my best friend Kevin Moon (Love you Kevin) he has been helping me move and pack all my things. "Ok and? You know I can't ruin my cuticles." I snorted back and all I got was an eye roll. "I don't even know why I agreed to help you." I smiled and replied with, "You're my best friend! That's why." All Kevin did was sigh and finish bringing out the last few boxes out to the moving truck.

"Hyunjin-ah! It's time to go!" As I was walking out of the house with Kevin, I heard my mom calling for me. I sighed and turned to Kevin. I saw him with a sad expression on his face. "Hey, don't be sad, ok? I will make sure to come down here during breaks, I will call you and text you every day!" I said trying my best to make him happy. But all Kevin did was nod and I saw tears swell in his eyes. "Oh, Kevin don't cry!" I immediately gave him a hug. "I don't want you to go Jinnie..." My heart broke at the tone of his voice. "I don't want to go either buddy..." I said while whispering. But the moment was interrupted by my mother calling my name again. So, I broke the hug and told Kevin I had to go. We waved to each other with sad smiles and that was the last time I was going to see my first best friend for a long time. (I made that so sad for no reason💀)

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