The Name

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WC 1028

It was a long week at work and all you wanted to do was relax with your book before going to bed. You'd grabbed some takeout on the way home to make things less stressful, so you ate before taking a quick shower to wash off the day and crawl in your comfy blankets. You'd gotten a chapter or two in before falling asleep with your book in your hands. It was morning when you next opened your eyes. You noticed your light had been turned off and your book was on your night stand, making you blink your eyes in confusion. You feel something heavier than the normal blanket draped over your side. Looking down you see *his* arm.... You weren't expecting him to be home for another few days. You slowly slide your hand down his forearm into his hand and feel him grip your hand. He nuzzles his nose against your neck, smiling as he hums against your skin.

"Good morning," you hear him say in his raspy morning voice giving you that slight shiver it always does, making him giggle. You know his eyes are still closed as you can feel his eyelashes against your shoulder now. You smile, threading your fingers through his as you giggle and feel him smile against your skin before you speak. You had an idea....

"Well.... Lucas isn't supposed to be here for another week.... So you must be Xuxi...." you nearly whisper. You had never said his other name in front of him in fear of not pronouncing it correctly. You just felt that would be disrespectful in some way... So while he was away this time, you practiced. You watched videos of him and his friends saying it. You felt 95% sure you were saying it right, but when you felt him stiffen behind you, you weren't so sure anymore. You felt his eyes fly open against you as he spoke.

"What... what did you say?" he softly asked. You didn't answer as you started to curl in on yourself. He noticed that this was your normal anxiety reaction. "Y/N... You said it...." he said with a waiver in his voice as he gently rolled you onto your back. Your eyes closed as he looked down at you making him giggle. "Babe, look at me," he asked as you shook your head. "Please." You felt the palm of his hand rest against your cheek, his thumb softly rubbing back and forth as you slowly opened your eyes to meet his. "Hi..." he giggles as he looks down at you.

"Hi," you softly sigh up at him.

"You ok?" he asks as he leans his forehead down against yours. You shrug your shoulders. "What's wrong?" he asks you softly.

"I didn't want to disrespect you," you say timidly as you look up at him, making him smile and shake his head.

"Y/N... No... that is the last thing you did...." he sighs softly as he leans his forehead back against yours and speaks quietly. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to call me that," he says with a soft smile. You rest your palm against his cheek as he leans into it and closes his eyes. Running your thumb back and forth under his eye, you lean up and press a soft kiss against the lips you had been missing, feeling him smile before you pull back and look into his eyes.

"Did I pronounce it correctly?" you ask timidly as you bite your lip. Leaning in, he brushes his nose against yours before pressing a sweet kiss against your lips and pulling back to look at you again.

"So much so that I don't want to hear anyone else say it again," he tells you confidently, making you giggle. He presses another kiss to your lips and keeps his lips against yours as he speaks. "Say it again..." he whispers. You slightly shake your head in fear of messing it up this time. You feel his hands move down your sides to your waist and up under the edge of your shirt. Rubbing his nose against yours again, he asks one more time. "You sure?" You tilt your head a little and nod. He shrugs his shoulders and begins his attack of tickling you. He knew you were sensitive to tickling and he knew ALL of your weak spots. Your sides were definitely one of them. Your hands flew immediately to his trying to push him away as you both laughed. You wiggled underneath him to no avail. He was both bigger and stronger than you so you knew it was no use.

"Lucas, stop," you screech as he hits a particularly sensitive spot making you laugh even harder. Your eyes had begun to well with tears from the laughter. He shook his head no.

"Not until you say it," he tells you as he continues his attack on your sides. Leaning down, he begins to press kisses on your neck up to your ear. "Please," he whispers quietly before he pulls back and looks at you. Your hands go to his to still his actions. Tilting his head, he looks down at you. Placing your hand on the back of his neck, you pull him down to you and press his lips to yours. Lips moving against the other's before you pull back, biting his bottom lip, leaving your lips barely touching as you look up at him.

"Xuxi..." you say against his lips as you watch his eyes close and he lets out a sigh. He opens his eyes to look back down at you with a smile.

"It's like it's a new word and I don't want to hear anyone else say it ever again," he confesses, making you blush and hide your face in his neck. He laughs as he pulls you closer to him as he rolls onto his back , pulling you onto his chest. "I love you, Y/N," you hear him say quietly as he's wrapping his arms around you. You smile as you snuggle as close as you can.

"I love you too, Xuxi."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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