Path Two

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Bold = Lumos speaking into Nox's mind.

Italics = Nox speaking into Lumos's mind.

( Third p.o.v )

The trio was once again surrounded by darkness. When they were able to see again they started right back at the lab. "So everything starts from right here. What does that mean?" Maria asked. "It means this is the starting point so far no matter which path we take," Nox explained to her. The difference in this path was Stark and Captain were glowing.

They watched the explosion happen again everyone being split up. Stark and Captain had a heated discussion again before it happened. The two were blown back into the doors of the lab. Once they both got up they left together going to help out.

( Nox's p.o.v )

We followed the two of the men as they went to help. "They are heading for Starks suit." We were able to keep up so obviously, Rogers was running slower on purpose. There were a lot of people running around trying to gear up. You could hear Fury taking command over the intercom something about a level four situation.

They stopped at a certain amour bae where Capt told Stark he'd meet him at engine three. "We are going to have to split up," Lumos spoke. I nodded, "Take Maria and follow Stark." Before she could protest he grabbed her hand as I sprinted to catch up. Stark's suit is pretty fucking dope. What did I miss? He used his high-tech shit as the suit came alive and assembled over his body. That honestly does sound pretty dope. I'm here at engine three with Capt. Starks flying his way there now.

Barton and his men were trying to free Loki I guess. Right now I have no idea where he is but the henchmen were here. They rained bullets down on Captain as Stark finally showed up. Rogers busted out some cool moves as Tony began checking on the situation. Once his suit found the problem he told Rogers to check on something for him. "On it," Rogers told him. He did some cool parkour shit on the broken parts on the carrier. He opened the panel Stark told him to check on.

"It looks like it runs on some type of electricity," Rogers said bemused. "Well you not wrong," Stark told him. He's fixing the problem something is jammed in the engine. Rogers is fixing the panel on his end but it looks like more henchmen are coming. Captain told Stark he was finished. Tony told Rogers that their next move was to jump-start it. "That would rip you to shreds," Rogers said in concern. Tony began talking in Ph.D. making both Lumos and Captain confused. "English, please? Capt asked.
I'm sure that made Tony roll his eyes. "You see that big red lever when I say to, use it. It's going to slow it down long enough for me to escape." Capt nodded to himself as he jumped over to it.

Stark began cutting the problem in half according to my brother. Once the debris was taken care of he proceeded to jump-start the engine. Those guards are here and are distracting Capt. That's not good Stark is getting it up to speed already. I watched as Captain did a reverse on a grenade that was thrown.
He began combating with the henchmen while Stark was getting slowly torn to shreds by the blades. Captain was trying his best but the last guy was keeping him on the ground by shooting at him. Right at the last second Rogers went to pull the lever but got shot multiple times. He fell off the ship while Stark got lucky and was spit out the engine. Stark wouldn't be able to save him though and that fall will kill him in that condition. So this is what happens here. Kinda sucks if you ask me, let's keep going the scene hasn't ended yet.

We meet up again to go find Coulson since he was the only other important casualty. Sure enough, he took that cool ass gun to threaten Loki. We watched laughing again as Thor was launched off the ship. "Guys this isn't a laughing manner," Hill complained. "Right love sorry." We watched again as Agent Coulson did his best but ultimately was once again killed. His face held a smile as he did his best to stay awake. Once Loki got away we found out Romanoff captured Barton. After that, it all went black once again.

"How did you guys feel about that?" Papa Legba asked. "It still sucks," Lumos spoke. "It does especially despite my nature Rogers is my favorite," Papa told us. "Rogers is your favorite?" Maria questioned him. "Yes lovely he is the complete opposite of my personality. He keeps me on my toes guessing," Papa explained. "Is there another path that majorly affects anything?" Papa made a face, "You're always so serious Nox. You need a vacation." Before I clap back at him my brother put his hand up stopping me. "Let's not fight yeah. Besides she's right or do you not want these sweets?"

"You win, okay. There is one last path but heed my advice. Sometimes the pretty things aren't what they're worth." Lumos through him another bag of candy before it went dark again. "What do you think he meant by that?" Hill asked. "He probably means this path will look the best but that we shouldn't pick it just because of that," Lumos spoke. She turned to look at me, "Do you agree with him?" I nodded, "Lumos is probably right. So deciding on what to do will be difficult." "What's so difficult about picking the pretty path?" Hill asked me. "We don't know what future will come from picking any path. It's like chess. Losing one piece can make or break the entire game. Then in some cases losing that one piece is what ensures that win."

Maria crossed her arms, "So you're saying you two don't really have a plan yet?" "We can't exactly plan something when we haven't even seen our last option yet can we?" Lumos smiled. "Stop smiling like that. It makes me feel like you two aren't taking this seriously." Lumos frowned at agent Hill. "Stop goofing around. Then next path can pop up at any moment. We need to be ready," I spoke. I grabbed Hill's hand because frankly, my stomach was a bit twisted. Lumos saw this making concern fill his eyes.

Why are so nervous? Because I feel like this is the path Hill will like best. Why is that a bad thing? Remember last time we picked a pretty path? You're talking about the fire? Yes genius, we saved everyone from the fire that day. Even after all the other paths, we had seen we chose the one where everyone lived. You don't have to remind me. Because no one died the company that built the building got away with making it faulty in the first place. Other people died in the buildings they made because that first one wasn't investigated. We couldn't save the other people in the other buildings either. It messed with the timeline too much. We were out for days when we accidentally reset time back. Lots of good people died while we were out. Let's hope it's not too bad then. Hope isn't everything brother. Sometimes you need to get knocked down to get where you need to be.

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