Chapter 2

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Nialls pov

- Honey a sweet voice was shaking me endlessly like there was a fire . It sounded a lot like Joshie my girlfriend . She is beautiful smart awesome and funny and i love her so much i dont think you could ever love a woman so much .

- Morning i said groggily and kissed her cheek . She looked a bit sad i dont know why  .Note to self : Ask her why she is sad .

- Ewww you have morning breath she said .Only Joshie i tought and smiled . 

- So what brings you here ? I asked a little curious she always sleeps until late. 

- Errr...niall i dont know how to say this but we are over i kind of love liam but yeah he said he dont love me back and i asked him to go out with me but he said no becuse of you I -I hate you she spit at me . 

- W-what y-you hate me ? i managed to spit out

She got tears flowing like a water fall . Well if she want it this way then this way it is . I just urg she just broke up the day before  Valentine  what a good day right ? . 

she ran out of my room . Deserves her well i mean she was the one who broke up not me and she is till sad . 

- What happen ? Liam asked 

- She broke up with me .like right before valentines day . ( A\N POOR POOR NIALLER <3 :'( )

- Awe sorry Niall i knew she had feelings for me i should told you , But dont worry i dont like her at all i respect you to much . And i have a fling with Emma stone . I laughed he always made me feel better 

- Thanks LiLi i said and hugged him . 

- I think you should go and get some air and maybe a coffee at starbucks  .

- yeah i think so to i said . 

I walked out of my room and put on my supras and walked out i dont need a jacket since it summer and quite hot . 

I bought my coffee and on my way home i was deep in toughts about why Joshie broke up with me i walked in the hot summer i walked pasta  park with swings and toys and a lot of kids playing , They wee laughing and eating their ice cream , Well at least they have  a good day 

I walked past a bar but i didnt feel like drinking i dont need to hide my feelings . I walked an walked until i stumbled into a girl

- Hey watch it she said angrily . 

- Sorry i mumbled . She looked up at me with big eyes like she couldnt believe that i was niall Horan . 

- N - Niall H-Horan ?

- Yepp thats me ...

- Omg she said and hugged me

She was so pretty with Shoulder leght hair and crystal blue eyes . She was littarly stunning i couldnt believe that i met a girl i mean i thought Joshie was the one but i was wrong 

- Come with me i wanna know you better i said 

- Sure she said and took my hand in hers i felt tingles in my body . 

What will happen .....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2013 ⏰

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