𓆉𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒍𝒔♫

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We all looked towards my mom with shock "YOU FUCKING DID WHAT" I yelled wanting to pierce him with ice

"Let me tell you all the story"

Flashback '10 years ago'

Mothers POV

During dinner y/n had asked if we were going to the new madrigal's gift ceremony
" mom can we please go!!??" I told her only if she eats her vegetables she can go. We had got finished with dinner so I told her to go get ready to leave.

That's when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom assuming I had to throw up since my stomach kept hurting.

Then y/n walked in saying she was ready to go "just a moment hun I'll be out in a second" but I knew my daughter was smarter than that to think that nothing was wrong.

I heard her talking to her father outside saying that something was wrong with me and he had came in to check on me.

"I guess the food poison didn't work Huh? Guess I'll have to handle you myself!"

He started to run water in the bathtub as I kept throwing up. He has picked me up by my ponytail and tried drowning Mk e under the running water. "Maybe it's more affective if I torture you first." And with that he started to beat me, punching me, kicking, whipping, you name it.

He heard y/n's voice outside of our bedroom door and stopped, turns out that she has brought me an arepa to help me feel better but he didn't care he ate the arepa and beat me more

After awhile he stopped "listen I used to love you but I found out your secret" he started to whisper in my ear "I know you have a gift just like those damn madrigals. And I will not let it spread to my daughters." With that he punch me one last time "nice knowing you Amelia.." and he stabbed me in my chest

End of flashback 'present time'

I was tired of my father, at this point he was a total monster, but I remembered something. "Bella..... WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" I yelled at my father, while Isabella kept slapping him with vines

"Same thing I did to your mother, but less brutal of course" the next thing I knew I threw the ice shard I had in my hand at his 'no no square'. My father winced in pain as I watched Camilo practically feel the pain while he bit down on his fist. "I was aiming for your heart." Just then a little ghost walked in 


10 years later

It has been ten years since the accident with my father, and I've become closer than ever with my mother,sister, and other ghost friends!

Me and Camilo have been hanging out a lot as well. going on dates,cuddling, basically normal couple stuff.
His abuela has been trying to get rid of me more and more though, but me and the girls didn't let her.

But seven years ago she had died of old age, and now mirabel is the new candle holder!

"Camilo come on! You're going to be late for your own nieces gift ceremony!" I yelled trying to get Camilo to hurry his ass up "I coming! I'm coming!" Camilo ran out of his room to find  Alika and Melody Dolores's twin children

𝙈𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 (FemY/N x Camilo madrigal)Where stories live. Discover now