The Barbeque p2

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Chase pov
When dad went into the diner I got on my bike and started to drive home I have to start getting rooms prepared,I had to buy toys,food so I called some of the gang and told them I need toys for toddler boys and some clothes,furniture etc and then I called mom to ask her what size does she think aria is in clothes and what stuff I should get for her and all I got out of that call was her teasing me so I ended it and right when I did I heard a doorbell

I opened the door to see some of my brothers about 30 of them they all had big smiles on there face "ya ya teasing is for later i need your help" I let them all in "so chase who's the lady" i rolled my eyes "none of ye have met her yet ye weren't at the diner but it's Adams sister" " ADAM HAS A SISTER" they all said in union "ye apparently i only found out today and I it's not good apparently she's on the run with her three sons away from her husband who's abusing her so if you see lots of bruises just don't say anything to her do i make myself clear" they all just stared at me with there big mouths wide open "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR" "yes boss" "okay good so I think we're gonna but all the boys in the same room so follow me with the beds and paints and stuff and then we can do the playroom did ye get loads of toys and stuff" "ye pres we did can you imagine bikers going in buying loads of kids stuff" "HAHA thanks guys okay let's start I'll help with rooms and the others do playroom okay" "yes sir"

3 hours later

3 hours later

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"Well done lads this looks amazing thanks so much" "No problem boss" "are you all coming to the barbecue and mom and dads house" "ah ya sure boss gotta meet the old lady and the nephews" he winks at me and the rest start laughing "haha your funny ...

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"Well done lads this looks amazing thanks so much" "No problem boss" "are you all coming to the barbecue and mom and dads house" "ah ya sure boss gotta meet the old lady and the nephews" he winks at me and the rest start laughing "haha your funny guys but she doesn't know it yet so maybe don't say anything in-front of her or Adam he is a bit mad about it anyway let's get going"

15 minutes later we arrive at the house I open the front door and walk out the back with the boys behind me I look around and I don't see her or the boys and my mum noticed me and the boys looking to see her so she walks over "Guys she's gone down to the cinema with the boys because they started crying cause there scared of the lads and if your wondering why the youngest one Luke said that ye look like daddy with the leather jackets on and then they all started crying so she asked to bring them down to the cinema to calm them down" "so you're saying the son of a bitch that beat her is in a Mc" " apparently so when I told Adam he was pissed
But he said to leave them down there until the food is ready and then he will start introducing cause he doesn't wanna scare the boys" "okay thanks mom is the food ready yet" "ya I say you can all go down and get them they have been very quiet" i was debating it "come one boss please we wanna meet her we will be super quiet won't we boys" "ayyy boss" "fine everyone quiet does anyone else wanna come down I called over to the boys who were already here before we came everyone said ya "i will since she is my sister and there my nephews" Adam said I rolled my eyes.We all walked down quietly and saw them all cuddled up together asleep I could just picture walking up to them in the morning suddenly I'm jumped out of my thoughts by "awww" "Adam how is she hot and your not" "There so cute" "She's gorgeous" and then there's my mom taking pictures great. everyone stops talking when we hear "Mommy mommy wake up the bad guys are here" not going to lie that hurt she immediately woke up and looked around to see about 50 bikers "Luke honey they're you're uncle's friends" "so there not daddies frwiends" he said in a baby voice " no baby there not now say sorry you might have hurt there feelings" "I'm sowy" and runs up and hugs Adam I'm so jealous of Adam right now "it's okay bud but you do Know we will never hurt you any of us" "okay..Mommy I'm hungry can we go get food" we all let out a laugh " okay sweetie come on Tyler ace ye can come too" "okay mommy "as she got up she turns to all us " Hi I'm aria knight that bafoon's sister" she say pointing to Adam we all burst out laughing he sent a glare to aria and she shrugged "mommy come on I'm hungry" ace said " okay loves let's go" we all started walking up mom done a huge selection of barbecue foods

Mommy I'm hungry can we go get food" we all let out a laugh " okay sweetie come on Tyler ace ye can come too" "okay mommy "as she got up she turns to all us " Hi I'm aria knight that bafoon's sister" she say pointing to Adam we all burst out laugh...

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We all gathered up and started getting our foods and sat at the huge table out the back I sat across from Tyler and beside him was ace and then aria and then Luke

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We all gathered up and started getting our foods and sat at the huge table out the back I sat across from Tyler and beside him was ace and then aria and then Luke.Beside me was Adam and mom and dad at the head of the table.We all started eating and aria was plating the boys food and once Tyler saw it he literally said and I quote "what is this mommy" and that's when the table went silent "it's barbecue food honey that's a burger that's sausage try it and see if you like it same goes for you too" then of course Adam the big mouth had to say "you guys never had food of a barbecue" aria was about to answer but Tyler did again "No daddy only liked mommy cooking foods he liked even if we don't like them he once hit mommy because she wanted to go out for dinner instead of eat in for our birthday but daddy said no that mistakes don't get rewarded" no one said anything and I could see that aria was about to cry from what Tyler said but I just couldn't process anything same with the rest of the lads so thankfully mom did "So aria did you go to college or anything" she smiled brightly "ya I actually got my nursing degree a few years back but when the triplets were born I decided to stay at home with them" "oh that's fantastic did you like it" "loved it I loved helping people in there I was thinking of going back when the boys turned 5 but then I got pregnant again" she said with a sheepish smile

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