Chapter 2

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You walk in and see your mom and dad, then seeing Mrs. Afton with a forced smile taking their gifts.

It looked like they've been talking since the moment your parents walked in. Mrs. Afton had an annoyed look on her face until she saw you, her eyes brightened slightly.

"Oh hello dear, you must be y/n!" She said, shaking your hand.

"Y-Yeah- I-"

"That's lovely, here. Michael here, who would love the company, can show you around the house while I try and get your parents to le- I mean ask them about the town." She said through gritted teeth, grabbing Michael and pulling him over.

You and him made eye contact, he had thick dark brown that was parted in the middle and beautiful blue eyes. His youthful face turned red a bit and he looked down.

You chuckled and walked over to Michael's side. It suddenly then hit you, you're inside the Afton's house and you haven't seen William yet.

Breaking you from your thoughts you hear Michael call for you, his accent pouring all over the way he said your name. You glance at him before following him.

Their house was already so much bigger than yours despite it being right next door. He showed you around the house and eventually brought you upstairs.

"Aren't we supposed to be showing you around? You moved in, not me." You say, gently.

Michael shrugged. "I don't know, just doing what my mom told me to-"

"Michael! Elizabeth! Evan!"

"Dear lord," Michael muttered. He looked at me.

"I guess just stay here, my mom is calling me." He said before running downstairs.

He left you in the hallways upstairs, it was very spacious and there were parts of the hallway that went to more hallways. You wondered why so many hallways where needed in the first place. It was a family of 5 yet there were move than 7 doors. Figuring one was a bathroom or one was to a closet. You shrug off your thoughts.

Whatever, it's not my house..

You just leaned against the wall, looking at all the pictures that hung on the wall, seeing one picture in particular where it was the Afton family and someone else yet that someone's face was ripped.


You sigh and push yourself off the wall to stand up straight, going to go downstairs to see what's going on. It was kinda awkward standing in someone else's hallway for no apparent re-

"Oh my god!"

You snap your head in the direction of the voice, seeing a tall man at the end of the hallway exiting a room.

He had on a very tight white tank top and some pajama pants on. His hair was obviously wet as it laid against his forehead. His blue almost silver eyes pierced into yours.

"I-I uh-"

"What are you doing in my house!?" He shrieked.

"I-I'm sorry!" You say, your eyes darted down, regretfully as they couldn't be torn away from the way his top clung to his not-fully-dried chest.

It was William Afton you were staring at.

Your eyes widened and you just ran downstairs. You went up to Michael, shaking his hand.

"Thanks for the tour Michael,"

You run to Mrs. Afton and shake her hand a little gentler. "Thanks for having us!" You say, grabbing both your parents hand.

You pull them out the house with you and wave before you shut their front door.

William walked down, ruffling his hair with a towel, wide eyed at his wife.

"Thought they'd never le-"

"You didn't tell me we had guest!"


Sooo I know this chap probably sucked but I promise it will get better- <3

William Afton x Reader // Neighbors :)Where stories live. Discover now