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Yìzhuō was angry and upset, Shang-chi promised to be back in 3 days, it has been 3 weeks. She knew he had escaped, and so did Xialing. Xialing still had hope that Shang-chi would come back. Of course, the little girl still had hope that he would eventually come back, but he never did.

As years went by Xialing learned not to count on him anymore, she didn't need him. While, Yìzhuō on the other hand, learned that after those 3 weeks. The two girls began to train themselves, they didn't need him, they learned to defend themselves.

But six years later, as Yìzhuō was sleeping, Xialing had left as well. The girl was left distraught and even more angry. The only person she had managed to trust after Shang-Choi had left her as well.

Since, Wenwu's two children had left. He had made sure that she didn't leave as well, he had his men watch her every step everywhere to make sure she didn't. And that meant she wouldn't be able to secretly train anymore.

Yìzhuō had begged Wenwu to let her train. She was angry and she wanted revenge. He had agreed and trained her hard, he trained her from the crack of dawn to the ungodly hours of the night. But she didn't complain since she knew it would only make her stronger.

During those years Yìzhuō had learned about her powers. She was scared and confused, as soon as she split a practice dummy in half with purple energy, she ran to tell Wenwu. He helped her control it, he taught her to use it to her own advantage.

She had telekinesis, energy manipulation, super speed, disintegration, mind manipulation, and martial arts mastery (with the help of Wenwu and her secretly training). She was practically unstoppable, which is exactly the kind of weapon Wenwu needed.

Soon, Wenwu started sending her on missions. She never failed, not a single one. Many people wanted her dead, but not one got to lay a finger on her before they were where they wanted her.

She's the White Widow.

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