First day of school

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A/N:first chapter of the sequel released wooooh!hope you enjoy.btw for the threequel i will be taking one of your fnaf ocs to help me and Y/N(what happens in one of the threequels chapters)so post your oc info down in the comments and lets get this chapter started


Y/N pov

"dad do i have to go to school?"i asked my dad not liking the idea because i might get bullied and memorizing the notes can be soooo difficult and history is so boring too.

"Yes Y/N you have to,how will you study if you wont huh?now eat your breakfast fast the bus is almost here."my dad says so i guess i have to unless......

"dad how about you homeschool me?"i asked with puppy dog eyes.

"you know those eyes dont work on me and no you already applied to the school an-oh crap the bus is here get up fast!" my dad quickly grabbed my backpack and gave me my lunch money and then wished me a good day at school.the only good part is that ethan(mikes child) and olivia(jeremy's child and if your name is olivia change it to ashley) are going to the same school as me.

~Timeskip by timmeh~

ive arrived at the school and im looking for ethan and olivia(or ashley) when i accidentally run into someone

???:hey watch where your going!

"im sorry"i replied

???2:sorry isnt enough give us your lunch money as a sorry!

another student who i think the person i bumped into's friend and persumably the school bullies."no" was all i said before taking off godspeed just before running into someone else.and looks to realise it was ethan."ethan help me"i said before hiding myself behind him.the bullies came up to ethan and said

bully1:she owes us her lunch money

bully2:if you protect her then you have to give us your lunch money too

ethan: what did Y/N even do to you two to owe you her lunch money

bully2:she uh-she kicked my stomach

Y/N:ethan their lying i bumped into them while walking thats why their forcing me to give them my lunch money

bully1:we would never lie

bully2:never in a thousand years

ethan:Y/N just give them your lunch money i can share my food with you

Y/N:ok then ethan



we both took off while the bullies were happy and celebrating they got my lunch money,while in reality,they didnt


bully2:GET THEM!

the bully yelled making all of his friends chase after and ethan ran until we reached the classroom last second and the bullies got detention for running into the classroom that fast.maybe school isnt that the class we found olivia(im tired of saying or ashely so im not saying this again)

olivia:so....what was that about?

ethan:oh it was nothing just a big chase sequence like in poppy playtime but it was bullies chasing us instead.

Y/N:yeah nothing big like ethan said.

olivia:ok......anyways lets pay attention to the class dont wanna fail our exams do we?

ethan:yeah your right

Y/N:yeah i dont want to but im going to a little nap


i let out a yawn as i wake up from my sweet nap and see a pissed olivia and ethan glaring at me.

Y/N:whats wrong

ethan:school is over dumbass youve been sleeping for 8 hours,didnt you sleep last night?!

Y/N:oh crap dad is gonna be so pissed at me im probably gonna be grounded

olivia:well get prepared for it then stupidass

Y/N:dont call me that or i  will call you names

olivia:like what peabrain

Y/N:like this toilethead

olivia:shut up pee breath

Y/N:you first shithol-

ethan:can you guys have your roast battle later?


ethan(surprised and dramatic tone):oh you got angry at me oh no*falls and pretends to be dead*


olivia:get up or we both are gonna be calling you names

ethan:*immediatly gets up Yes Sir!i Mean Madam poop*

olivia:*lunges at ethan*


Y/N:ok you guys look like a old couple fighting but i gotta go now before dad gets more pissed at me

olivia&ethan:ok bye Y/N



i take a deep breath and knock on the dad opens it with a pissed expression

"inside"was all he said,i walked in and....

Max:YOU FELL ASLEEP DURING FIRST PERIOD AND DIDNT EVEN WAKE UP AFTER SCHOOL ENDED?!what were you thinking?!you got chased down the hall with ethan by 6 people?!huh?wha-

Y/N:im sorry dad


Y/N:please dad atleast let me watch tv,please!

Max:fine you can watch tv 10 minutes for 1 day

Y/N:What?!That's Such a short time!This is unfair

Im in my room now and im grounded,this has to be the worst day in my life.i cry myself to sleep hoping tommorow will be better.

Taken From The Streets Into A Pizzeria (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now