The pizzeria.

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Max pov

Maybe i was a bit harsh on going to reduce her grounded time to only tommorow and let her watch tv and give her the tablet back,i walk up to Y/N's room and see her sleeping so i place the tablet next to her pillow and leave


Y/N pov

i wake and i see my tablet next to me on my bed i open it and notepad opens up and show

"hey Y/N i think i was a bit harsh on you so im reducing your grounded time to only tomorrow and im letting you play on your tablet and watch tv.-your Dad"

i go to the bathroom to check myself and on the mirror i see my eyes are puffy from all the crying.i walk downstairs and see my dad making sandwiches for dinner he spots me not very soon after and sets down a plate with sandwiches.

(imagine some bread on the end facing the pic)

i quickly eat it savouring the taste and run up to bed immediatly fall asleep.

(the next day)

(at school)

Y/N meets up with ethan.

ethan:hey Y/N

Y/N:hi ethan

ethan:so....were you grounded sleepyface?

Y/N:yeah i was grounded but my dad reduced the time to tomorrow only you d*ckface

ethan:dont call me names

Y/N:you called me first

ethan:lets just avoid those bulli-oh shit

bully1:hi dumb*ss did you get grounded by your mom for sleeping the whole school day?oh wait you dont have a mom only a dad*laughs*

ethan:*looks at Y/N and gets in front of her*yeah?atleast she has a dad,i bet you dont have mom or dad,you stuck-up asshole and drunk bitch

bully1:*shoves ethan* stupid boyfriend protecting his love (foreshadowing)

ethan:oh big mistake you just did*uppercuts bully1 and sents him flying into the air and spin-kicks him in midair*

bully2:why you picking on him loser we're the bullies he-

teacher:whats going on here?!

ethan:they are calling my friend Y/- uhh Y/N

during the conversation between the bullies and ethan Y/N had run off.

Y/N pov

i am currently running down the hallways of the school ignoring the stares at me.i ran and ran until i got tired and stopped infront of the first period classroom were olivia was.

olivia:oh hey Y/N 

Y/N(trying to catch her breath):hey

olivia:were you chased again?

Y/N:no but i ran from the bullies leaving ethan to fight them.

olivia:ahh its ok ethan can hand-

teacher:ethan your getting detention after school.

ethan walks into the classroom

ethan:yeah Y/N thanks a lot for leaving me back there to suffer detention

Y/N:hehe sorry?

ethan lets out a glare for brief second and turned away from me.

olivia:so you d*ckheads wanna check out the new fazbear's pizzeria that opened


Y/N thoughts:I wonder if Foxy is still there.(A/N:Y/N is 10 years old she last saw foxy when she was 5)

Y/N:yeah we can go my dad's is taking his shift today so can go with him.


~timeskip to the animatronics trying to kill them~

"this is not what i came here for"ethan yells trying to kick toy freddy away from him.withered foxy comes behind toy freddy,hooks the animatronic and throws him and rushes to Y/N who was in the vents trying to block it off to get away from mangle.foxy yells at Y/N to get out off the vents and Y/N comes out last second before mangle gets her,mangle trys charging towards Y/N,ethan and foxy,but Max rips mangle's endo head off stunning it for sometime.Lastly olivia is dogding swings thrown by toy bonnie with his guitar,olivia reaches a dead end and toy bonnie is ready to bash her brains out once he raises his guitar,Max comes and throws a crowbar impaling toy bonnie barely not hitting Olivia.They all escape and head into the parts and service room,where all the withereds block off the door to prevent the still operatable animatronics:mangle,toy chica,balloon boy,toy freddy and marionette from entering.
"What are we going to do?There are animatronics tryna kill us and I'm humgry.I shouldn't have gave the idea to come here"
Olivia said.
Just then they saw a backdoor that was boarded off.Max tried to rip the boards off with his hands but was unsuccessful.He saw hammer and used to remove the nails and thus,the planks allowing them to escape.And(because.plot)it was now 6 A.M .
"Should we go there again?"
Asked Ethan sarcastically.
"No!" Both Olivia and Y/N screamed
"And we aint getting in trouble cuz i Lready deleted the camera footage."Max remarked.

And that is why the pizzeria lasted for only a one week.
(Nice chapter, I feel like,823 words,wow!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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