Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Three shifts in one.

    The police quickly rushed to the music restaurant, and the police led by them opened the door of the toilet cubicle. The scene presented inside made all the police officers at the scene involuntarily startled.

    The picture can only be described as tragic.

    In the narrow space, the body of the long-haired girl was twisted in a strange posture. The whole head seemed to have no support. It was like a ball in a wire mesh and only swayed against the skin outside. There were several deep lines on her face. Bone wounds were visible, but so much blood in the compartment was flowing from all over her body.

    The forensic doctor's gloved hands gently turned over the girl's clothes, and as expected, countless wounds were found on her body.

    Looking back at the same time, he said: "A very bad incident."

    Everyone was dissatisfied with the word 'bad', one of the young police officers covered his mouth, his face was pale and he couldn't help the urge to vomit , gritted his teeth and said, "This is clearly vicious. I can't figure out why I would do such a thing to a little girl."

    Everyone was silent.

    Most of the people in the restaurant were taken back to the police station for questioning. The short-haired girl tried her best to stand up straight with the help of Officer Li, and saw the terrifying scene with her own eyes. The short-haired girl collapsed a little, and her legs were shaking slightly. , covered his face with the same trembling fingers, and his voice was intermittent: "I've been in the bathroom all the time, and I didn't hear anything, how could this be."

    Officer Li looked at his colleague, who was an experienced old policeman. Now, when he heard the girl say this, he raised his eyes and said, "The surveillance shows that there were only two of them in the bathroom at that time."

    "Is it possible that there were people hiding in the bathroom?"


    All the evidence shows that The strangeness of this murder case was revealed. In the surveillance video at that time, after the woman in cheongsam left the bathroom, there were only two girls left, and girls with short hair could not have time to commit the crime. The surveillance has not been edited, and you can fully see the short-haired girl standing in front of the sink after coming out of the cubicle.

    As for the time in the compartment... It's not like the other party has the ability to stealth and teleport to kill the opposite friend, right?

    does not exist at all.

    "Suicide is even more impossible. There are so many wounds on her back that she can't do it herself." As the colleague said, he continued to watch the surveillance. At this moment, he saw that the short-haired girl seemed to linger in front of the sink for a while, and then turned her attention to the trash can. Perhaps the girl looked at the trash can for too long, which quickly caught his attention.

    When the short-haired girl's mood stabilized a little, her colleague asked softly, "Xu Qingxia, right? I just saw that you seemed to be looking at the trash can. Is there something that caught your attention?" The     short-haired girl raised her eyes. Red eyes, swollen under the eyelids. She unconsciously recalled the scene with the police's words, and she was stunned at any time, and said, "I saw a necklace in the trash can with a little red heart on     it ." Yes ."     "Really? I don't know." Xu Qingxia clasped her arms and rubbed her eyes, "I saw the necklace at the time, but... but when I threw the paper later, the necklace disappeared, there was only one ball. Something black. I thought there was something wrong with my eyes, and I was still standing there     and complaining to Luoluo." She said, and suddenly looked up at the police officers: "So is there really that necklace?"     Colleague Wen Yan frowned, turned around and called to ask colleagues in the appraisal department. At that time, they had checked all the places in the bathroom, and naturally the trash can outside would not be spared. But when he heard the red heart necklace, the other party was still stunned: "Where did you get the necklace? There is no necklace."     "No?"     "No." The other party said, "But we found something special in the trash can. , It seems to be a part of the human body that has been decomposed, but the specific needs to be identified, and I will tell you when the report comes out."     "Okay."

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