Ch.2: A good meal can be the most memorable

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Previously in Ch.1:

"How about this mom go to work but we'll join you their, I mean when was the last time we got to stay at work with you and enjoy it plus we have yet to fully look at that place since we got here". 'at least this time we will be joining you for work for fun and not because to try and get away from our father since we knew he wouldn't make a scene in those days at least'.

Y/n shivered at those memories but shook them off. Her mother agreed and kissed her goodnight and left to go to bed herself. Y/n got under her covers staring at the ceiling for a bit in thought. Her eyes began to feel heavy once again, she yawned longer this time around and rolled over to her side and drifting back to sleep.

(Story starts author's pov)

Bill's phone begins to ring from his pocket as he's currently in a conversation with his wife. He gets cut off from trying to explain that what he meant about her being the woman she wanted her to be wasn't about her but the character in his book.

He reached and grabbed his phone looking at the caller ID as his wife just walks away. He goes out of stage 14 to take his call outside answering it as he walks out the door. "Hello". He hears a man's voice saying his name. "Bill denbrough it's Mike". Bill looks confused for a second and asks. "Mike who".

Mike answers while pacing in his attic his voice distant. "Mike Henlon from Derry". As soon as he said that Bill slightly groaned in pain his left hand clenched like it's been cut. Then Mike talks again after a pause. "You need to come home". Bill looks at his left hand his face contorted in slight pain.


As Eddie drives a little to fast, he look likes his nerves are sky high. He's on the phone with his wife as she speaks he's grabbed a pill bottle. "Eddie I keep telling you not to scare me like this". His wife says and was about to continue but he cuts her off. "Alright Mira, please not now". As he says that he opens the pill bottle and takes a few. Mira take again in a worried slightly mad tone.

"You shouldn't be put their....Eddie it's not safe to drive when the roads are slick like this". He tries to reassure her and get her off his back. "Sweetheart it stopped raining like three hours ago, alright everything's going to be fine". As he gets cut off with the taxi driver honking it's horn at him. He yells at the taxi driver as Mira talks again.

"What if you hydra plane". Eddie rolls up his window and responds to her in a annoyed voice. "I'm not gonna hydra plane, it's my job to test risks, so please trust me when I tell you that this statically speaking I am much more likely to get into an accident because I'm talking to you on the phone. Alright I have to go, I will talk to you soon, goodbye". Then he hangs up the phone.

The phone rings again and he picks up making him sound more polite over the phone. "Eddie kaspbrak speaking". He has a slight smile but it goes away into a frown as soon as he hears who called. "You didn't say okay bye I love you two like you usually do". Mari says then Eddie responds.

"Listen to me I can't I'm gonna be late to this.....meeting". As he says that he slows down on saying it as his focus was pulled from the road when he saw caller ID from Derry, Main come up on his cars system. The look of shock and daze come to his face as he stares at it. Then Mira speaks again "ok I love you Eddie".

Eddie speaks again not really paying to much attention and not realising what he even said. "Ok I love you mommy". What Mira said got him to snap out of it. "What". She said in a blank like tone. "Mira, bye". Then he hangs up the phone again and answers the caller still focused on the cars system showing the caller ID.

"Hello, who's this?". He says in a blank voice his face etched in confusion and fear. The caller answers "it's me, Mike". Eddie asks not realizing he passed a red like. "Mike who?". His car gets hit my a taxi when he wasn't paying attention to the road passing the red light. His car along with the taxi came to a halt in the middle of the road.

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