1. A person's ice cream flavor of choice reveals a lot about them

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It was hard to set up these live streams, (Y/N) new that. She wasn't one that was too experienced with technology, but she wasn't one to back down either. Over the year her production skills had improved quite a bit from just being a blank screen, to having a background with the chat display, some drawn characters she had commissioned, and other things that made it as vibrant as she could without a face.

"Oh hi! Good evening to Rei334."

She spoke in Korean, greeting the new chat member she saw greet her in her stream. She had about 700 viewers, which was a huge milestone for her as it was 'Korean night' which she would only speak Korean in.

"Yeah but...as I was saying, I just moved to Korea again recently. I lived here when I was a kid but moved away to the United States when I was 6." (Y/N) said. "I wanted to get your guy's opinion on life here in Korea. I'm gonna be attending a new school possibly and all that jazz. I wanna be mentally prepared."

[How are you liking it here so far?]

[There's a lot of bullying in the school I go to, beware]

[Is that what the topic of the streams going to be about tonight?]

(Y/N) was a variety streamer, one could say, mainly on NewTube. She did a lot of random things, but most days she settled down on the couch and talked about mental health awareness and relationship issues with her chat. She only streamed for about an hour, twice a week, so there wasn't much pressure for her to be constantly live either.

It was a calm dynamic, she quite enjoyed it.

[am I late?]

(Y/N) blinked, attention turning back to the stream.

"Nah, you're not late. I just started the stream 20 minutes ago. It's just been casual talk." (Y/N) said.

[That means we only have 40 minutes left!]

[Hey, you didn't answer my question. What's the topic for today?]

(Y/N) read the last comment. "Gosh, you guys are needy today. I can go past the hour time limit, it's no biggie." She said, "The topic? Hmmmm..." She thought aloud.

"I'd like to address the topic of mental health. I know I usually do that, but I wanna focus on the teen mind specifically, cause that's the environment I'm goin' to be around for a bit." She specifically meant the topic of bullying in schools here in Korea. Bullying was quite extreme in Asian countries, or so she's heard.

And that's how it started. Many viewers left stories of their own in chat, about bullying or having mental health issues. It always made (Y/N) hurt, she was an emotionally sensitive person, but she tried the best she could with giving advice.

[You always have such a way with words (Channel Name), thank you so much]

[Literally crying right now]

[Im watching this to improve my Korean but I'm actually sobbing]

(Y/N) smiled at the antics of her chat, "Thank you guys. Thank you for being brave and Sharing your stories with me," She said. "I wish I could give you all a hug right now."

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