"benedick cumberbatch i love benedick cumberbatch i just busted oh my god"
"i just busted for like the fifth time"
"i'm drooling i'm actually drooling"
"oh my god call an ambulance i think i busted to many times hold up i gotta wipe more drool"
"there's more drool oh my bro he's so he's so he's so fucking hot dude he's so attractive i-i-i-i-i i cant form any thoughts i love benident cumerbatch"
"i will scrub his shoes on my hands and knees"
"he's so so fucking hot"
"oh my god that waist line oh my god"
"look at those fucking arms he can snap all my limbs and i would cry and scream for him to do that again oh my god"
"he is so attractive oh my fucking god 'he got the internet pregnant' he can get me pregnant"
"bro he is so attractive though oh my god he is so oh my oh my fucking god oh my god like i was telling the bots to eat my nut i would eat his nut i would freaking gargule down his nut"
"brooo oh my god he is so attractive i stand by that i would gargule down his nut so fast i swear i can treat you better than you wife i swear i swear i swear"
"oh my god look at his jawline oh my god look at the outline of his shirt look at the way he holds the chair i wish that was me he can rob me and i would give it to me my throat hurts from talking about hot he is when it can hurt from his di-"
"oh my god he's shirtless oh my god"
"look at that man homey shit oh my god bro he's so oh my god let me have your childrenn oh my fucking god"
"oh my god bro look at his fucking oh my god bro oh my god holy shit he is soo attractive so so so so so holy shit"
"i tried to take a deep breath but he's right in front of me"
"step on my throat pls i am begging i am actually begging holy shit"
"he is so attractive"
"oh my god bro he's so fucking hot"
"oh my fucking god you can see his nipple through his shirt nipple reveal pls let me get one taste pls pls pls oh my god i just busted again oh my god"
"my hole face is red drool is dripping down"
"i'm actually being so loud if my grandma or brother wake up they will hear me i don't fucking care he's so attractive X10"
"he's about to give me covid 20 from how attractive he is"
"he can explore new kinks with me"
"oh mu fucking god i can't firm scentes anymore"
"he's so fucking attractive hoody shit busted 72 times looking at one photo"
"i'm getting more comfortable in my bed so i can see the photos better"
" trying to get ravished from this man oh my fucking god"
"bro i wanna se this man in my fucking dreams"
"my throat still hurts and it's not from his dick"
"i bets he's a 9 incher"
"he's so fucking attractive dude"
"i wish that shirt was unbottoned a little more"
"wish i could see him take a bath without the clothes"
"so sad he still has his clothes on"
"my face is red again"
"oh my god he's just fucking so attractive"
"he's so hot"
"actually holy shit"
"oh my fucking god he is so hot"
"i'm about to go ducking fail i'm actually gonna start barking and growling younger benidick was so hot too oh my god oh my fucking he is so hot oh my god dude he is so hot holy shit i need to take another deep break oh my oh my god oh my fucking god he is so fucking hot oh my god"
"when he was sherlock homes to oh my god"
"that's his wife i wish that was me he is so attractive dude he is so hot i'm going back to talking about how he can ravish me he is so fucking hot oh my god bro i don't thing i am ever going to stop talking about how hot he is that photo is so nice he is so attractive and good looking and very nice and very nice looking j wish j could see him without clothes respectfully ahhhh he's si fucking hot he's sk fucking attractive he is sk fine he is so fine oh mh fucking god"
"oh my god another photo he is so hot oh my god"
"he is so hot bro he is hot he is so hot bro he is so hot he so attracts he is so attractive he is so attentive look at him why can't my face be that chair oh my god oh my fucking god he is so attractive those are his ass cheeks oh my oh my god nobody compares no one nobody even comes close to him he's is so hot he is actually so hot he is so attractive he is so hot oh my god bro he is so hot oh my fucking goddd he is so hot he is so bro i'm about to leave twitter and go to google he is so hottt oh my god i need more pictures i need more virataty he is so hot i need to se more especially without clothes pls pls pls pls pass bro he is so hot no i don't wanna look at his wiksoedia article you fucking bitch oh my god oh my fucking god he is so hot he is so hot"
"ew is that his wife kay why es oh my god benidick is so hot omg his suit is so hot he looks good without one too he looks begger without it oh my god his-his-his shirt-shit-shirt ks not but-but-but-buttoned up oh my god i'm drooling again i'm not joking about the drool it just leaks out oh my god i just busted again oh my god bro i'm never gonna recover i need a breather"
"i just can't help it he's so hot he's so fine oh my god bro he's so fine oh my god bro he is so fine he's so fucking attractive plsss he's so attractive he's so fucking attractive oh my fucking god who gave one man the right to look so good he's so fine he is so hot who gave him the right to look that good he is so hot he's is so attractive he is sooo attractive i'm actually fabnergasted oh my vid i'm actually drooling oh my god i think i ran out of bennidick pictures no my wifi my wifi is being bad wait i think it's fine more benidickpickers he's so cins be ligher stoped my wifi from breaking because he's so hot he is very cool and nice and kind and god damn he is so attractive holy shit oh my god oh my fucking god i am yawlnjbg sleeping does not matter please but in my mouth oh my god please actually so that oh my god him sitting in that chair oh my god i live benidicl cumberbatch he is oh my god look at his silly little hat he is sk hot oh my vid why do i keep on yawning no my god he is so hot"
"such a shame i can't fix throat with his nut"
"twitter had like the best pictures he is so fine oh my god bro i would literally let this man run me over with a car oh my godddddd with that was me he is so funkicnv fine he's just so fine there aren't any works oh my god"
"he is so hot i love that photo oh my good bro he is so fucking is so hot so so so he is so hot oh my gohahaddd he is so hot i'm gonna bust again can we restart the bust counter it's at 3 rn the bust clientele is at 17 oh my got hes so hot benidick is so fucking hot oh my god he is so hot oh my god benjdick is so hot please take off you pant pls pls pls don't write that down don't write that down he is so fucking fine oh my god bro oh my god butted again i'm just gonna sit here and stare at this for while just one change just one change oh my i would kill his wife i could get one chance pls he is so hot he is to me like ryan rennalesdsw is so straingt men pls pls beninicdick cummberbatch he's is so hot oh my vid he is so fucking hot oh my god ahhhhhhh i think that's the end of my rant"
ratio + chidori + kys + benedict better + sasuke chidori + abc