1. Fleur

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"Okay, before I tell you, mom, you have to promise not to be mad.”

If it had been any other day she would have missed it.

But today just so happened to be the day that my mom's so called boyfriend broke off their two year relationship. The very same day I ate the last tub of her special ice cream, even when she told me to keep my paws off.

And to be fair I didn't really mean to. It just so happens that sitting infront of my computer trying to finish developing a modern website for my assignment tomorrow meant that the only thing my mind kept track off was the monitor. Not my other hand scooping the sweet bubblegum ice-cream every now and then, not the way the sugary scent hit my nostrils a signal for my hand to move once again so my taste buds would meet heaven.

"Fleur, what did you do?" She asked, her anger dissipating for a while. The hurt expression on her face replaced by a raised eyebrow and piercing stare. If my mother was the Pope, at that moment I'd confess to all my sins.

"You have to promise, mom." I tried again.

Taking a step back, she took one forward. Taking another step back followed by her taking one more forward, arms crossed and imaginary steam coming out her ears, her patience running out.

"I promise not to kill you at the least so spit it out." She replied, and I think I heard a growl. I'd say it was now or never.

"You better not freaking run Fleur or so help me God." She said, already noticing my resolution.

"I ate your ice-cream. All of it I finished it. I'm sorry!" I shouted, already turning around hoping my father's track star genes would kick in sooner or later because hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.

"Fleur Lilian Anderson! I swear you're your father's child. That was the literally the last one!" She shouted, hot trail behind me as I raced to my room.

I wasn't going to make it, I was too far from the door and she was too near.

Almost there.

Almost there.

"Your laptop is in the living room." She said with an eerie calm tone.

Oh, she wouldn't dare! Would she?

That was enough to have me dead on  my feet, the momentum too big and I ended up flat on the floor.

"Serves you right for eating my ice cream." She cackled.

"You know, a caring mother would rush to my side to ask if I'm fine." I groaned.

"Well too bad, so sad. Now, order me another tub, before I do it myself using your card. You know what happened last time." She smirked.

"Fine." I replied, a big grin on my face-standing up with a bit of difficulty. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her as my mother.

Going back to the living room, I snuggled up next to her, "Andrew was sort of a bore tho. You know you deserve so much better right?"

I could hear a sigh before one of her hands came to run through my hair. "Well that asshole made me happy sometimes so you can't exactly blame for wanting to bawl a little bit."

"You'll always have me mom. You'll always have me. And I'm gonna get so much cash from working, and buy you as many ice-cream tubs as you want. You can even peacefully have a brain frees and die but if it makes you happy-" I was cur off by her laughter, and my heart expanded at that. Anything to keep that smile there. I guess I make daddy proud.

'Take care of your mum, Fleur. She better not stop laughing okay?'

I couldn't help but remember my father's last words to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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